**UPDATE** Please note that the changes described below will NOT be implemented until February 14, 2...Show fullCollapse

**UPDATE** Please note that the changes described below will NOT be implemented until February 14, 2025. Please contact Barry Bedlan at with any questions regarding this.

Business Editors, Business Section Paginators:

AP's Money & Markets will move to a new system aimed at sustaining the most popular modules used by customers. This change will happen in January. AP's focus will remain on delivering markets data and information of highest interest to your readers, including l Local Stocks and Mutual Funds, Daily Stocks Recaps, Interest Rates, Foreign Exchange rates and Commodities.

The new system will feature a self-service option that will allow for easy real-time customization of your local stocks lists, allowing for more flexibility around any changes that need to be made throughout the year.

Modules also will no longer be linked together but instead will be delivered as individual graphics for your use and mix as your news hole allows for each day. This is to give customers greater flexibility in how they use the product.

Some modules,including Centerpiece, Industry/Company Spotlight, Story Stocks, Week Ahead and Today, will no longer be available after Jan. 3.

These product changes are being made to enhance and modernize the product and are based on customer feedback and usage data. The modules that will remain available are the most popular so you will still be able to keep delivering the dara points that your readrs look for today under the new system.

More details to come, but if you have any immediate questions please contact Barry Bedlan at

AP Money & Markets

The Associated Press is "thinking outside the stox" to provide newspapers innovative ways to give readers analytic, explanatory and forward-looking financial data. AP Money & Markets is a new service with print and online content that reflects the changing world of financial data - essential information for readers and investors.

Online, we're partnering with Morningstar to offer powerful financial tools that can help newspapers build their online content, readership and advertising.

Key Highlights

  • Comprehensive data from Morningstar on 7,000 stocks, 17,000 mutual funds and more than 300 exchange-traded funds
    Performance rankings by stock sector (biotech, software, media, etc.) or mutual fund category (U.S. stock funds, international funds, bond funds, etc.)
    Market Movers: Top 10 gainers, losers, volume leaders on NYSE, NASDAQ and AMEX
    Stock and mutual fund quote lookup
    Stock and mutual fund A-to-Z lists: Names and ticker symbols link to Morningstar profiles
    Price performance, financial statements and key ratios
    Customized lists of stocks, mutual funds and industries of local interest
    Morningstar Market Barometer
  • AP Wall Street story, updated throughout the day
  • Top 10 business news stories, updated throughout the day
  • Latest business video stories from Online Video Network
Money & Markets


Print and online complement each other
Print modules drive readers to your site for latest content and additional details
Local content in both reinforces brand
Online content creates opportunities to cross-sell advertisers

Design features

Infinite design opportunities
Modular - customize content and look to fit your needs
Select modules you want and embed them the way you'd like
Modules snap together to integrate easily with different site designs
Integrates easily with local business content

Revenue opportunity

Fresh look and product bring new interest to key content area
Modules create advertising and sponsorship opportunities
You keep the ad spaces and revenues or we sell the ads and split the revenue
Financial services account for more than $150 million in online ad spending a month -- but many newspapers are not benefiting

Financial data reader demographics

Stock and mutual fund owners are in demographic sweet spot
More than half of U.S. adults own stocks
Fund owner's median household income is $69K; U.S. median is $44K
36 percent of readers look at stock tables
Readership Institute ranked business/finance as a key topic to grow readership
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