Friday, February 14, 03:02 PM CST
Friday, February 14, 10:55 AM CST
The AP Money & Markets service will undergo changes in the coming month, including a move to a new website and changes to what content will be available.
The existing site will retire effective March 1, with a new URL to be made available in the coming weeks. The new site and service will continue to provide the most popular Money & Markets modules and key data points used by customers today, but other modules and data points not listed below will be discontinued.
The new system also will deliver the modules as individual graphics not as fully paginated displays. The module graphics will be available in PDF, EPS and PNG formats, with both daily and weekly versions available. Full-page, half-page or other pre-paginated combinations of modules will no longer be available.
Most of the modules/graphics will be delivered around the same time as they are today – 60 to 90 minutes after the markets close. The only exception will be the Mutual Funds listings, which are not typically available after 6:15 p.m. ET each trading day.
The URL for the new site will be emailed out and made available on in the coming weeks.
Any logins that you use for will work initially for the new domain.
Any Local Stocks or Local Funds listing that your newsroom uses now on also will be migrated over to the new site.
If you have any questions about the content available and changes, please contact Barry Bedlan at
If you would like help with getting familiar with the new site and starting to utilize that content, contact AP Customer Integration at
Modules Available After February 28
Market Snapshot
Stocks Recap
Interest Rates
Foreign Exchange
Local Stocks and Mutual Funds
Examples of the above may be found at
Tuesday, January 28, 05:05 PM CST
**UPDATE** Please note that the changes described below will NOT be implemented until February 14, 2025. Please contact Barry Bedlan at with any questions regarding this.
Business Editors, Business Section Paginators:
AP's Money & Markets will move to a new system aimed at sustaining the most popular modules used by customers. This change will happen in January. AP's focus will remain on delivering markets data and information of highest interest to your readers, including l Local Stocks and Mutual Funds, Daily Stocks Recaps, Interest Rates, Foreign Exchange rates and Commodities.
The new system will feature a self-service option that will allow for easy real-time customization of your local stocks lists, allowing for more flexibility around any changes that need to be made throughout the year.
Modules also will no longer be linked together but instead will be delivered as individual graphics for your use and mix as your news hole allows for each day. This is to give customers greater flexibility in how they use the product.
Some modules,including Centerpiece, Industry/Company Spotlight, Story Stocks, Week Ahead and Today, will no longer be available after Jan. 3.
These product changes are being made to enhance and modernize the product and are based on customer feedback and usage data. The modules that will remain available are the most popular so you will still be able to keep delivering the dara points that your readrs look for today under the new system.
More details to come, but if you have any immediate questions please contact Barry Bedlan at
Markets closed Monday, January 20:
Please be advised that U.S. financial markets will be closed Monday, January 20, in observance of Martin Luther King Jr. Day. No new stock files or stock pages will be posted. Files from Friday, January 17, will still be available.
Normal production will resume Tuesday, January 21.
If you need additional information, please contact 1-800-3AP-STOX.
Markets closed Thursday, January 9th:
Please be advised that U.S. financial markets will be closed Thursday, January 9th, in observance of the National Day of Mourning in the United States. No new stock files or stock pages will be posted. Files from Wednesday, January 8th, will still be available.
Normal production will resume Friday, January 10th.
If you need additional information, please contact 1-800-3AP-STOX.
**UPDATE** Please note that the changes described below will NOT be implemented until February 14, 2025. Please contact Barry Bedlan at with any questions regarding this.
Business Editors, Business Section Paginators:
AP's Money & Markets will move to a new system aimed at sustaining the most popular modules used by customers. This change will happen in January. AP's focus will remain on delivering markets data and information of highest interest to your readers, including l Local Stocks and Mutual Funds, Daily Stocks Recaps, Interest Rates, Foreign Exchange rates and Commodities.
The new system will feature a self-service option that will allow for easy real-time customization of your local stocks lists, allowing for more flexibility around any changes that need to be made throughout the year.
Modules also will no longer be linked together but instead will be delivered as individual graphics for your use and mix as your news hole allows for each day. This is to give customers greater flexibility in how they use the product.
Some modules,including Centerpiece, Industry/Company Spotlight, Story Stocks, Week Ahead and Today, will no longer be available after Jan. 3.
These product changes are being made to enhance and modernize the product and are based on customer feedback and usage data. The modules that will remain available are the most popular so you will still be able to keep delivering the dara points that your readrs look for today under the new system.
More details to come, but if you have any immediate questions please contact Barry Bedlan at
Monday, December 09, 02:09 PM CST
Business Editors,
Business Section Paginators,
AP's Money & Markets will move to a new system aimed at sustaining the most popular modules used by customers. This change will happen in January. AP's focus will remain on delivering markets data and information of highest interest to your readers, including l
Local Stocks and Mutual Funds, Daily Stocks Recaps, Interest Rates, Foreign Exchange rates and Commodities.
The new system will feature a self-service option that will allow for easy real-time customization of your local stocks lists, allowing for more flexibility around any changes that need to be made throughout the year.
Modules also will no longer be linked together but instead will be delivered as individual graphics for your use and mix as your news hole allows for each day. This is to give customers greater flexibility in how they use the product.
Some modules,including Centerpiece, Industry/Company Spotlight, Story Stocks, Week Ahead and Today, will no longer be available after Jan. 3.
These product changes are being made to enhance and modernize the product and are based on customer feedback and usage data. The modules that will remain available are the most popular so you will still be able to keep delivering the dara points that your readrs look for today under the new system.
More details to come, but if you have any immediate questions please contact Barry Bedlan at
Tuesday, December 24, 11:43 AM CST
Monday, December 09, 02:06 PM CST
Monday, December 09, 02:05 PM CST
Monday, December 09, 02:04 PM CST
Monday, December 02, 05:11 PM CST
1-year percent return figures missing:
Please be advised that due to a processing issue, the 1-year percent return figures are missing from local stock tables this evening. We apologize for the inconvenience and expect to see the issue resolved tomorrow.
If you need additional information, please contact 1-800-3AP-STOX.
Markets closed Thanksgiving Day, November 28th:
Please be advised that U.S. financial markets will be closed Thursday, November 28th, Thanksgiving Day. No stock files or stock pages will be posted.
While markets close early on Friday, November 29th (1:00 pm ET), there are no early reports for indexes, futures, or mutual funds. Therefore stock files and pages will be delivered at their usual time.
If you need additional information, please contact 1-800-3AP-STOX.
Markets closed Monday, September 2:
Please be advised that U.S. financial markets will be closed Monday, September 2, in observance of the Labor Day holiday. No stock files or stock pages will be posted. Files from Friday, August 30, will still be available.
Normal production will resume Tuesday, September 3.
If you need additional information, please contact 1-800-3AP-STOX.
Friday, August 16, 05:10 PM CDT
Mutual funds running late:
Please be advised that mutual fund tables, and pages with mutual fund listings, will be posted approximately 20 minutes later than usual this evening due to the number of funds without updated prices as of 6:05 pm ET.
If you need additional information, please contact 1-800-3AP-STOX.
Wednesday, July 31, 05:44 PM CDT
Mutual funds issue:
Our data provider did not update today’s mutual fund prices, we are aware we are showing the same NAVs as yesterday, with all net changes showing as zero. We are investigating the issue but have no ETA for a fix at this time.
If you need additional information, please contact 1-800-3AP-STOX.
Tuesday, July 16, 06:07 PM CDT
Mutual funds UPDATE:
Morningstar has delivered the mutual funds data and we are now processing the files. Expect fund tables and pages with mutual fund listings to begin posting between 7:15 and 7:20 pm ET>
If you need additional information, please contact 1-800-3AP-STOX.
Tuesday, July 16, 05:33 PM CDT
Mutual funds delayed:
Please be advised that mutual fund tables and pages with mutual fund listings are delayed this evening. We have not yet received fund data from Morningstar and have no ETA at this time. This advisory will update as more information becomes available.
If you need additional information, please contact 1-800-3AP-STOX.
Holiday Schedule:
Please be advised that U.S. financial markets will be closed Thursday, July 4, in observance of Independence Day. No market files or pages will be posted.
Markets close early Wednesday, July 3, at 1:00 pm ET. However, because mutual funds, futures, and indexes do not report any earlier than usual, all market files and pages will be posted at their normal time.
Normal production will resume Friday, July 5.
If you need additional information, please contact 1-800-3AP-STOX.
Please be advised that U.S. financial markets will be closed Wednesday, June 19, in observance of the Juneteenth federal holiday. No stock files or stock pages will be posted.
Files and pages from Tuesday, June 18, will still be available until Thursday, June 20, at 4:00 pm ET.
If you need additional information, please contact 1-800-3AP-STOX.
Markets closed Monday, May 27:
Please be advised that U.S. financial markets will be closed Monday, May 27, in observance of the Memorial Day holiday. No stock files or stock pages will be posted. Files from Friday, May 24, will still be available.
Normal production will resume Tuesday, May 28.
If you need additional information, please contact 1-800-3AP-STOX.
Markets closed Monday, May 27:
Please be advised that U.S. financial markets will be closed Monday, September 4, in observance of the Memorial Day holiday. No stock files or stock pages will be posted. Files from Friday, May 24, will still be available.
Normal production will resume Tuesday, May 28.
If you need additional information, please contact 1-800-3AP-STOX.
Thursday, March 28, 05:12 PM CDT Mutual funds delayed:
Please be advised that mutual fund tables and pages with mutual fund listings will be posted approximately 15-20 minutes later than usual this evening, due to the number of unpriced funds as of 6:05 pm ET.
If you need additional information, please contact 1-800-3AP-STOX.
Markets closed Good Friday, April 7th:
Please be advised that U.S. financial markets will be closed March 29th for Good Friday. No stock files or stock pages will be posted.
Files and pages normally posted Friday evening will be posted Thursday evening, March 28th, at their usual time following daily files. They will remain on the markets website until Monday, April 1st, at 4:00 pm ET.
If you need additional information, please contact 1-800-3AP-STOX.
Markets closed Monday, February 19th:
Please be advised that U.S. financial markets will be closed Monday, February 19th, in observance of Presidents Day. No new stock files or stock pages will be posted. Files from Friday, February 16h, will still be available.
Normal production will resume Tuesday, February 20th.
If you need additional information, please contact 1-800-3AP-STOX.
Friday, February 16, 12:19 PM CST
Monday, January 22, 05:14 PM CST Mutual funds delayed:
Please be advised that mutual fund tables and pages with mutual fund listings will be posted approximately 15-20 minutes later than usual this evening, due to the number of unpriced funds as of 6:05 pm ET.
If you need additional information, please contact 1-800-3AP-STOX.
Friday, January 19, 05:10 PM CST Mutual funds delayed:
Please be advised that mutual fund tables and pages with mutual fund listings will be posted approximately 15-20 minutes later than usual this evening, due to the number of unpriced funds as of 6:05 pm ET.
If you need additional information, please contact 1-800-3AP-STOX.
Markets closed Monday, January 15th:
Please be advised that U.S. financial markets will be closed Monday, January 15th, in observance of Martin Luther King Jr. Day. No new stock files or stock pages will be posted. Files from Friday, January 12th, will still be available.
Normal production will resume Tuesday, January 16th.
If you need additional information, please contact 1-800-3AP-STOX.
Holiday Schedule:
Please be advised that U.S. financial markets will be closed Monday, January 1st, New Years Day. No new stock files or stock pages will be posted. Files from the previous Friday will still be available.
Normal production will resume Tuesday, January 2nd.
If you need additional information, please contact 1-800-3AP-STOX.
Friday, December 29, 06:17 PM CST
Friday, December 29, 05:28 PM CST
Mutual funds delayed:
Please be advised that mutual fund tables and pages with mutual fund listings will be posted approximately 15-20 minutes later than usual this evening, due to the number of unpriced funds as of 6:05 pm ET.
If you need additional information, please contact 1-800-3AP-STOX.
Holiday Schedule:
Please be advised that U.S. financial markets will be closed Monday, December 25th, and the following Monday, January 1st, in observance of Christmas and New Years Day, respectively. No new stock files or stock pages will be posted. Files from the previous Friday will still be available.
Normal production will resume Tuesday of each week.
If you need additional information, please contact 1-800-3AP-STOX.
Friday, November 10, 06:33 PM CST
Mutual funds UPDATE:
Mutual fund tables and pages with fund listings are now running and should be posted within the next 20 minutes. We apologize for the delay.
We will advise further when we have more info.
If you need additional information, please contact 1-800-3AP-STOX.
Friday, November 10, 05:31 PM CST
Mutual funds delayed:
Please be advised that mutual fund tables and pages with mutual fund listings are running late this evening. We have not yet received the fund data from our provider, and have no ETA at this time.
We will advise further when we have more info.
If you need additional information, please contact 1-800-3AP-STOX.
Thursday, September 21, 05:09 PM CDT
Mutual funds delayed:
Please be advised that mutual fund tables and pages with mutual fund listings will be posted approximately 15-20 minutes later than usual this evening, due to the number of unpriced funds as of 6:05 pm ET.
If you need additional information, please contact 1-800-3AP-STOX.
Wednesday, September 20, 02:14 PM CDT
Due to an issue with our data provider, we are still seeing some
incorrect prices and/or net change values for some stocks.
The issue appears limited to a subset of NYSE stocks beginning with the
letter "A" in their ticker.
We are actively working with our vendor on a resolution to this. We are also
manually correcting as many as we can in our database.
Please contact 1-800-3AP-STOX if additional assistance
or information is needed.
Markets closed Monday, September 4:
Please be advised that U.S. financial markets will be closed Monday, September 4, in observance of the Labor Day holiday. No stock files or stock pages will be posted. Files from Friday, September 1, will still be available.
Normal production will resume Tuesday, September 5.
If you need additional information, please contact 1-800-3AP-STOX.
Friday, September 01, 04:58 PM CDT
Friday, September 01, 04:57 PM CDT
Tuesday, July 11, 05:07 PM CDTMutual funds delayed:
Please be advised that mutual fund tables and pages with mutual fund listings will be posted 15-20 minutes later than usual this evening, due to the number of funds without updated prices as of 6:05 pm ET.
If you need additional information, please contact 1-800-3AP-STOX.
U.S. Markets Closed July 4th:
U.S. financial markets will be closed on Tuesday, July 4th, in observance of Independence Day. No Money & Markets tables or pages will be generated. Files from Friday, July 1, will still be available.
U.S. markets close at 1:00 pm ET Monday, July 3rd. Since index, commodities, rates and mutual fund tables do not generate early, all files and pages will be posted their normal time Monday.
Regular production will resume on Wednesday, July 5th.
If you have any questions or need additional information, please call
our support line at 1-800-3AP-STOX.
Friday, June 30, 05:06 PM CDTMutual funds delayed:
Please be advised that mutual fund tables and pages with mutual fund listings will be posted 15-20 minutes later than usual this evening, due to the number of funds without updated prices as of 6:05 pm ET.
If you need additional information, please contact 1-800-3AP-STOX.
Friday, June 30, 05:06 PM CDT
Friday, June 30, 05:05 PM CDT
Markets closed Monday, June 19:
Please be advised that U.S. financial markets will be closed Monday, June 19, in observance of the Juneteenth Holiday. No stock files or stock pages will be posted. Files from Friday, June 16, will still be available.
Normal production will resume Tuesday, June 20.
If you need additional information, please contact 1-800-3AP-STOX.
Friday, June 16, 11:56 AM CDT
Friday, June 02, 05:33 PM CDT
Mutual funds delayed:
Please be advised that mutual fund tables and pages with mutual fund listings will be posted approximately 15-20 minutes later than usual this evening, due to the number of unpriced funds as of 6:05 pm ET.
If you need additional information, please contact 1-800-3AP-STOX.
Thursday, June 01, 05:13 PM CDT
Wilshire 5000 index update:
The figures for the Wilshire 5000 index have been entered into our database and we have uploaded updated versions of the pages and tables with the new info.
If you need additional information, please contact 1-800-3AP-STOX.
Thursday, June 01, 04:58 PM CDT
Wilshire 5000 index advisory:
The figures for the Wilshire 5000 index are missing from our tables today due to an error from our data provider. The Wilshire 5000 closed at 42,053.18 today, at a net change of +606.59, or a percent change of +1.46. We apologize for the omission.
If you need additional information, please contact 1-800-3AP-STOX.
Markets closed Monday, May 29th:
Please be advised that U.S. financial markets will be closed Monday, May 29th, in observance of the Memorial Day holiday. No stock files or stock pages will be posted. Files from Friday, May 26th, will still be available.
Normal production will resume Tuesday, May 30th.
If you need additional information, please contact 1-800-3AP-STOX.
Friday, May 26, 12:33 PM CDT
Tuesday, May 23, 05:54 PM CDT<: Mutual funds UPDATE:
An industry-wide issue caused a delay in fund pricing this evening. As of 7:00 pm ET we still do not have the data. In order to meet member deadlines, we are re-running yesterday’s data. NAVs reflect close as of Monday 5/22. The net change data field will be missing. We apologize for this inconvenience.
If you need additional information, please contact 1-800-3AP-STOX.
Tuesday, May 23, 05:05 PM CDT: Mutual funds delayed:
Please be advised that mutual fund tables and pages with fund listings will be delayed by approximately 20 minutes due to the number of funds without updated prices as of 6:05 pm ET.
If you need additional information, please contact 1-800-3AP-STOX.
Markets closed Monday, February 20:
Please be advised that U.S. financial markets will be closed Monday, May 29, in observance of Memorial Day. No stock files or stock pages will be posted. Files from Friday, May 26, will still be available.
Normal production will resume Tuesday, May 30.
If you need additional information, please contact 1-800-3AP-STOX.
Monday, May 01, 07:56 PM CDTCommodities Missing:
Please be advised that some commodities were unavailable today due to an issue with our data provider. These include cotton, coffee and orange juice. We apologize for the inconvenience.
If you need additional information, please contact 1-800-3AP-STOX.
Monday, May 01, 05:00 PM CDT Stock reports delayed
Please be advised that stock tables and stock pages are delayed this evening due to a processing error. We expect the files to begin posting by 6:15 pm ET.
If you need additional information, please contact 1-800-3AP-STOX.
Thursday, April 20, 05:06 PM CDT
Mutual funds delayed:
Please be advised that mutual fund tables and pages with mutual fund listings will be posted 15-20 minutes later than usual this evening, due to the number of funds without updated prices as of 6:05 pm ET.
If you need additional information, please contact 1-800-3AP-STOX.
Markets closed Good Friday, April 7th:
Please be advised that U.S. financial markets will be closed April 7th for Good Friday. No stock files or stock pages will be posted.
Files and pages normally posted Friday evening will be posted Thursday evening, April 6th, at their usual time following daily files. They will remain on the markets website until Monday, April 10th, at 4:00 pm ET.
If you need additional information, please contact 1-800-3AP-STOX.
Friday, March 31, 05:25 PM CDTMutual funds delayed:
Please be advised that mutual fund tables and pages with mutual fund listings will be posted 15-20 minutes later than usual this evening, due to the number of funds without updated prices as of 6:05 pm ET.
If you need additional information, please contact 1-800-3AP-STOX.
Monday, March 13, 05:08 PM CDT Mutual funds delayed:
Please be advised that mutual fund tables and pages with mutual fund listings will be posted 15-20 minutes later than usual this evening, due to the number of funds without updated prices as of 6:05 pm ET.
If you need additional information, please contact 1-800-3AP-STOX.
Markets closed Monday, February 20:
Please be advised that U.S. financial markets will be closed Monday, February 20, in observance of President’s Day. No stock files or stock pages will be posted. Files from Friday, February 17, will still be available.
Normal production will resume Tuesday, February 21.
If you need additional information, please contact 1-800-3AP-STOX.
Monday, February 06, 05:02 PM CST Stock reports delayed
Please be advised that stock tables and stock pages are delayed this evening due to a processing error. We expect the files to begin posting by 6:15 pm ET.
If you need additional information, please contact 1-800-3AP-STOX.
Markets closed Monday, January 16th:
Please be advised that U.S. financial markets will be closed Monday, January 16th, in observance of the Martin Luther King Jr. holiday. No stock files or stock pages will be posted. Files from Friday, January 13th, will still be available.
Normal production will resume Tuesday, January 17th.
If you need additional information, please contact 1-800-3AP-STOX.
Tuesday, January 03, 05:10 PM CST Mutual funds delayed:
Please be advised that mutual fund tables and pages with mutual fund listings will be posted 15-20 minutes later than usual this evening, due to the number of funds without updated prices as of 6:05 pm ET.
If you need additional information, please contact 1-800-3AP-STOX.
Markets closed Monday, January 2nd:
Please be advised that U.S. financial markets will be closed Monday, January 2nd. No stock files or stock pages will be posted. Files from Friday, December 30th, will remain available.
U.S. financial markets are open for a full day of trading Friday, December 30th. All daily and weekly files will be posted at their usual times.
If you need additional information, please contact 1-800-3AP-STOX.
Friday, December 30, 05:15 PM CST: Mutual funds delayed:
Please be advised that mutual fund tables and pages with mutual fund listings will be posted 15-20 minutes later than usual this evening, due to the number of funds without updated prices as of 6:05 pm ET.
If you need additional information, please contact 1-800-3AP-STOX.
Friday, December 30, 05:15 PM CST
Markets closed Monday, January 2nd:
Please be advised that U.S. financial markets will be closed Monday, January 2nd. No stock files or stock pages will be posted. Files from Friday, December 30th, will remain available.
U.S. financial markets are open for a full day of trading Friday, December 30th. All daily and weekly files will be posted at their usual times.
If you need additional information, please contact 1-800-3AP-STOX.
Friday, December 30, 04:46 PM CST
Markets closed Monday, December 26th.
Please be advised that U.S. financial markets will be closed Monday, December 26th. No new stock files or stock pages will be posted. Files from Friday, December 23rd will still be available.
Markets are open for a full day of trading Friday, December 23rd. All daily and weekly files will be posted at their normal time.
If you need additional information, please contact 1-800-3AP-STOX.
Friday, December 23, 10:58 AM CST
Wednesday, November 30, 05:07 PM CST Mutual funds delayed:
Please be advised that mutual fund tables and pages with mutual fund listings will be posted 15-20 minutes later than usual this evening, due to the number of funds without updated prices as of 6:05 pm ET.
If you need additional information, please contact 1-800-3AP-STOX.
Markets closed Thanksgiving Day, November 24th:
Please be advised that U.S. financial markets will be closed Thursday, November 24th, Thanksgiving Day. No stock files or stock pages will be posted.
While markets close early on Friday, November 25th (1:00 pm ET), there are no early reports for indexes, futures, or mutual funds. Therefore stock files and pages will be delivered at their usual time.
If you need additional information, please contact 1-800-3AP-STOX.
Friday, November 18, 05:22 PM CST: Mutual funds delayed:
Please be advised that mutual fund tables and pages with mutual fund listings will be posted 15-20 minutes later than usual this evening, due to the number of funds without updated prices as of 6:05 pm ET.
If you need additional information, please contact 1-800-3AP-STOX.
Friday, November 04, 05:17 PM CDT Mutual funds delayed:
Please be advised that mutual fund tables and pages with mutual fund listings will be posted 15-20 minutes later than usual this evening, due to the number of funds without updated prices as of 6:05 pm ET.
If you need additional information, please contact 1-800-3AP-STOX.
Monday, October 31, 05:11 PM CDT: Mutual funds delayed:
Please be advised that mutual fund tables and pages with mutual fund listings will be posted 15-20 minutes later than usual this evening, due to the number of funds without updated prices as of 6:05 pm ET.
If you need additional information, please contact 1-800-3AP-STOX.
Monday, October 03, 05:07 PM CDT Mutual funds delayed:
Please be advised that mutual fund tables and pages with mutual fund listings will be posted 15-20 minutes later than usual this evening, due to the number of funds without updated prices as of 6:05 pm ET.
If you need additional information, please contact 1-800-3AP-STOX.
Friday, September 30, 05:07 PM CDT Mutual funds delayed:
Please be advised that mutual fund tables and pages with mutual fund listings will be posted 15-20 minutes later than usual this evening, due to the number of funds without updated prices as of 6:05 pm ET.
If you need additional information, please contact 1-800-3AP-STOX.
Monday, September 26, 05:08 PM CDT Mutual funds delayed:
Please be advised that mutual fund tables and pages with mutual fund listings will be posted 15-20 minutes later than usual this evening, due to the number of funds without updated prices as of 6:05 pm ET.
If you need additional information, please contact 1-800-3AP-STOX.
Friday, September 23, 05:05 PM CDT Mutual funds delayed:
Please be advised that mutual fund tables and pages with mutual fund listings will be posted 15-20 minutes later than usual this evening, due to the number of funds without updated prices as of 6:05 pm ET.
If you need additional information, please contact 1-800-3AP-STOX.
Markets closed Labor Day Monday, September 5th:
Please be advised that U.S. financial markets will be closed Monday, September 5th, in observance of the Labor Day holiday. No stock files or stock pages will be posted. Files from Friday, September 2nd, will still be available.
Normal production will resume Tuesday, September 6th.
If you need additional information, please contact 1-800-3AP-STOX.
Thursday, July 7th, 6:55 pm ET: Login failure:
Please be advised that logins are failing due to a disk space error on the web server. We are in the process of failing over to a backup and will advise when further info is available.
If you need additional information, please contact 1-800-3AP-STOX.
U.S. Markets Closed Monday:
U.S. financial markets will be closed on Monday, July 4th, in observance of Independence Day. No Money & Markets tables or pages will be generated. Files from Friday, July 1st, will still be available.
Regular production will resume on Tuesday, July 5th.
If you have any questions or need additional information, please call
our support line at 1-800-3AP-STOX.
Markets closed Monday, June 20th, 2022:
Please be advised that U.S. financial markets will be closed Monday, June 20th, in observance of the Juneteenth federal holiday. No stock files or stock pages will be posted.
Files and pages from Friday, June 17th, will still be available until Tuesday, June 21st, at 4:00 pm ET.
If you need additional information, please contact 1-800-3AP-STOX.
Markets closed Memorial Day, May 30th:
Please be advised that U.S. financial markets will be closed Monday, May 30th, in observance of the Memorial Day holiday. No stock files or stock pages will be posted. Files from Friday, May 27th, will still be available.
Normal production will resume Tuesday, May 31st.
If you need additional information, please contact 1-800-3AP-STOX.
Wednesday, May 11, 05:03 PM CDT: Stock reports delayed:
Please be advised that stock files and stock pages are running late this evening due to processing issues. We have no ETA at this time, we will update this advisory when more information is available.
If you need additional information, please contact 1-800-3AP-STOX.
Friday, April 29, 05:21 PM CDT: Mutual funds delayed:
Please be advised that mutual fund tables and pages with mutual fund listings will be posted 15-20 minutes later than usual this evening, due to the number of funds without updated prices as of 6:05 pm ET.
If you need additional information, please contact 1-800-3AP-STOX.
Friday, April 22, 05:21 PM CDT:
Mutual funds delayed:
Please be advised that mutual fund tables and pages with mutual fund listings will be posted 15-20 minutes later than usual this evening, due to the number of funds without updated prices as of 6:05 pm ET.
If you need additional information, please contact 1-800-3AP-STOX.
Markets closed Good Friday, April 15th:
Please be advised that U.S. financial markets will be closed April 15th for Good Friday. No stock files or stock pages will be posted.
Files and pages normally posted Friday evening will be posted Thursday evening, April 14th, at their usual time following daily files. They will remain on the markets website until Monday, April 18th, at 4:00 pm ET.
If you need additional information, please contact 1-800-3AP-STOX.
Thursday, April 14, 05:17 PM CDT:
Mutual funds delayed:
Please be advised that mutual fund tables and pages with mutual fund listings will be posted 15-20 minutes later than usual this evening, due to the number of funds without updated prices as of 6:05 pm ET.
If you need additional information, please contact 1-800-3AP-STOX.
Markets closed Good Friday, April 15th:
Please be advised that U.S. financial markets will be closed April 15th for Good Friday. No stock files or stock pages will be posted.
Files and pages normally posted Friday evening will be posted Thursday evening, April 14th, at their usual time following daily files. They will remain on the markets website until Monday, April 18th, at 4:00 pm ET.
If you need additional information, please contact 1-800-3AP-STOX.
Thursday, March 31, 05:32 PM CDT:
Mutual funds delayed:
Please be advised that mutual fund tables and pages with mutual fund listings will be posted 15-20 minutes later than usual this evening, due to the number of funds without updated prices as of 6:05 pm ET.
If you need additional information, please contact 1-800-3AP-STOX.
Monday, March 21, 05:17 PM CDT:
Mutual funds delayed:
Please be advised that mutual fund tables and pages with mutual fund listings will be posted 15-20 minutes later than usual this evening, due to the number of funds without updated prices as of 6:05 pm ET.
If you need additional information, please contact 1-800-3AP-STOX.
Friday, March 18, 05:06 PM CDT
Mutual funds delayed:
Please be advised that mutual fund tables and pages with mutual fund listings will be posted 15-20 minutes later than usual this evening, due to the number of funds without updated prices as of 6:05 pm ET.
If you need additional information, please contact 1-800-3AP-STOX.
Friday, March 18, 05:05 PM CDT
Stock pages reposted: Thursday, March 10th, 6:25 pm ET:
Please be advised that a batch of stock pages were posted without updated graphics. We are in the process of re-posting these pages now and expect to have them delivered within the next fifteen minutes. We apologize for the inconvenience.
If you need additional information, please contact 1-800-3AP-STOX.
Friday, March 04, 05:25 PM CST
Mutual funds delayed:
Please be advised that mutual fund tables and pages with mutual fund listings will be posted 15-20 minutes later than usual this evening, due to the number of funds without updated prices as of 6:05 pm ET.
If you need additional information, please contact 1-800-3AP-STOX.
Friday, March 04, 05:25 PM CST
Tuesday, March 01, 05:26 PM CST
Mutual funds delayed:
Please be advised that mutual fund tables and pages with mutual fund listings will be posted 15-20 minutes later than usual this evening, due to the number of funds without updated prices as of 6:05 pm ET.
If you need additional information, please contact 1-800-3AP-STOX.
Monday, February 28, 05:27 PM CST
Mutual funds delayed:
Please be advised that mutual fund tables and pages with mutual fund listings will be posted 15-20 minutes later than usual this evening, due to the number of funds without updated prices as of 6:05 pm ET.
If you need additional information, please contact 1-800-3AP-STOX.
U.S. financial markets will be closed on Monday, February 21, in observance of President's Day. No Money & Markets tables or pages will be generated. Files from Friday, February 18, will still be available.
Regular production will resume on Tuesday, February 22.
If you have any questions or need additional information, please call
our support line at 1-800-3AP-STOX.
Stock pages being reposted: Friday, February 18, 6:55 pm ET
Please be advised that some stock pages were inadvertently posted with yesterday's graphics. The pages in question are being updated now and should be posted by 7:05 pm ET.
If you have any questions or need additional information, please call our support line at 1-800-3AP-STOX.
U.S. financial markets will be closed on Monday, February 21, in observance of President's Day. No Money & Markets tables or pages will be generated. Files from Friday, February 18, will still be available.
Regular production will resume on Tuesday, February 22.
If you have any questions or need additional information, please call
our support line at 1-800-3AP-STOX.
US financial markets will be closed on Monday, January 17th, in observance of Martin Luther King Jr. Day. No Money & Markets tables or pages will be generated. Files from Friday, January 14th, will still be available.
Regular production will resume on Tuesday, January 18th.
If you have any questions or need additional information, please call
our support line at 1-800-3AP-STOX.
Happy New Year from AP Markets!
U.S. stock exchanges are open for a full day of trading on Friday, December 31st. All daily and weekly files will be posted at their normal times.
If you have any questions or need additional information, please call our support line at 1-800-3AP-STOX.
US Markets Closed Thanksgiving Day:
US financial markets will be closed on Thursday, November 25th. No Money & Markets tables or pages will be generated. Files from Wednesday, November 24th, will still be available.
Markets close early (1:00 pm ET) on Friday, November 25th. Indexes, futures, options and mutual funds, however, do not report early. Stock pages and files will be generated at their usual daily time.
If you have any questions or need additional information, please call
our support line at 1-800-3AP-STOX.
Thursday, November 18, 03:53 PM CST
Thursday, November 18, 03:53 PM CST
Tables From the Toronto Stock Exchange:
Beginning Monday, December 13, 2021 AP Markets will no longer generate stock tables from the Toronto Stock Exchange. This is due to an increase in redistribution costs.
We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.
If you need assistance with your stock page(s), please contact Todd Balog at 816-654-1096 or
If you have any other questions or concerns, please contact Russell Pollack at 602-416-5099 or
Markets Closed Labor Day:
U.S. financial markets will be closed Monday, September 6th for Labor Day. No Money & Markets pages or files will be posted. Files from Friday, September 3rd will be available. Normal production will resume Tuesday, September 7th.
If you have any questions or need additional information, please call our support line at 1-800-3AP-STOX.
US Markets Closed Monday:
US financial markets will be closed on Monday, July 5th, in observance of Independence Day. No Money & Markets tables or pages will be generated. Files from Friday, July 2nd, will still be available.
Regular production will resume on Tuesday, July 6th.
If you have any questions or need additional information, please call
our support line at 1-800-3AP-STOX.
US Markets Closed Monday:
US financial markets will be closed on Monday, May 31st, in observance of Memorial Day. No Money & Markets tables or pages will be generated. Files from Friday, May 28th, will still be available.
Regular production will resume on Tuesday, June 1st.
If you have any questions or need additional information, please call
our support line at 1-800-3AP-STOX.
Tuesday, May 11, 7:05 pm ET:
UPDATE: Morningstar files are now in, we anticipate file posting to commence by 7:15 pm ET and to finish by 7:30 pm ET.
If you need additional information, please contact 1-800-3AP-STOX.
Tuesday, May 11, 6:35 pm ET:
Please be advised, mutual funds are running late this evening. We are waiting for word from Morningstar and have no ETA at this time. Pages with mutual fund listings will be late. We will update further when more information becomes available.
If you need additional information, please contact 1-800-3AP-STOX.
STOCK PAGES RUNNING LATE: Wednesday April 14, 5:55 pm ET
Please be advised that stock pages are running approximately 20-25 minutes late this evening due to technical issues.
If you have any questions or need additional information, please call our support line at 1-800-3AP-STOX.
U.S. markets closed Good Friday:
Please be advised, U.S. markets will be closed Good Friday, April 2nd, 2021. No stock files or stock pages will be posted.
Weekly files and pages normally posted Friday evening will be posted Thursday evening, April 1st, at their usual time. These files will remain available until Monday, April 5th, at 4:00 pm ET.
If you need additional information, please contact 1-800-3AP-STOX.
STOCK PAGES RUNNING LATE: Friday, March 19, 6:05 pm ET
Please be advised that stock pages are running approximately 20-25 minutes late this evening.
If you have any questions or need additional information, please call our support line at 1-800-3AP-STOX.
US financial markets will be closed on Monday, February 15th, in observance of Presidents Day. No Money & Markets tables or pages will be generated. Files from Friday, February 12th, will still be available.
Regular production will resume on Tuesday, February 16th.
If you have any questions or need additional information, please call
our support line at 1-800-3AP-STOX.
Sunday, February 14, 11:14 PM CST
US Markets Closed Monday:
US financial markets will be closed on Monday, January 18, in observance of Martin Luther King Jr. Day. No Money & Markets tables or pages will be generated. Files from Friday, January 15, will still be available.
Regular production will resume on Tuesday, January 19.
If you have any questions or need additional information, please call
our support line at 1-800-3AP-STOX.
Markets Closed New Years Day:
U.S. financial markets will be closed on Friday, January 1st, New Years Day. Any weekly file normally posted Friday night will be posted Thursday, December 31st, at its usual time.
If you have any questions or need additional information, please call our support line at 1-800-3AP-STOX.
STOCK PAGES RUNNING LATE: Tuesday, December 29st, 5:35 pm ET
Please be advised that stock pages are running approximately 20-25 minutes late this evening.
If you have any questions or need additional information, please call our support line at 1-800-3AP-STOX.
Commodities missing: Thursday, December 24, 7:25 pm ET:
Due to a processing error we are unable to generate the commodity data. We are therefore running the pages absent the commodity data. If we get corrected data we will repost the pages and update further.\
If you need additional information, please contact 1-800-3AP-STOX.
Stock reports update: Thursday, December 24, 6:25 pm ET:
Due to a processing error we are unable to generate the commodity data. While we attempt to correct the issue, we do not have an ETA or a definite fix. We are therefore running the pages absent the commodity data. If we get corrected data we will repost the pages and update further.\
If you need additional information, please contact 1-800-3AP-STOX.
Stock reports delayed: Thursday, December 24, 5:55 pm ET:
Please be advised that due to a processing error stock pages and stock reports are delayed. At this time we have no ETA on delivery. We will advise further when we have more info.\.
If you need additional information, please contact 1-800-3AP-STOX.
Holiday Schedule:
U.S. financial markets will be closed on Friday, December 25th, Christmas Day, and Friday, January 1st, New Years Day. Any weekly file normally posted Friday night will be posted Thursday, December 24th and Thursday, December 31st, at its usual time.
U.S. stock exchanges will close early (1:00 pm ET) on Thursday, December 24th. However, futures, indexes, rates and mutual funds will not report any earlier than usual on that day. As a result, Money & Markets pages and files will all be posted their normal times Thursday evening, followed by weekly files at their usual time.
If you have any questions or need additional information, please call our support line at 1-800-3AP-STOX.
Thanksgiving Holiday Schedule:
U.S. financial markets will be closed on Thursday, November 26th for Thanksgiving. No Money & Markets tables or pages will be generated. Money & Markets files from Wednesday, November 25th, which is a full day of trading, will still be available.
U.S. stock exchanges will close early (1:00 pm ET) on Friday, November 27th. However, futures, indexes, rates and mutual funds will not report any earlier than usual on that day. As a result, Money & Markets pages and files will all be posted their normal times Friday evening, followed by weekly files at their usual time.
If you have any questions or need additional information, please call our support line at 1-800-3AP-STOX.
Markets Closed Labor Day:
U.S. financial markets will be closed Monday, September 7th for Labor Day. No Money & Markets pages or files will be posted. Files from Friday, September 4th will be available. Normal production will resume Tuesday, September 8th.
If you have any questions or need additional information, please call our support line at 1-800-3AP-STOX.
STOCK PAGES RUNNING LATE: Monday, August 31st, 6:00 pm ET
Please be advised that stock pages are running approximately 10-15 minutes late this evening.
If you have any questions or need additional information, please call our support line at 1-800-3AP-STOX.
S&P 400 MidCap index figures missing, Monday, August 17th
Please be advised that our data provider did not supply us with figures for the S&P 400 MidCap index today, and the line shows blank in various index tables.
The index closed at 1,953.56, up 4.00 or 0.21%. The daily range was 1,947.74 to 1,959.67.
If you have any questions or need additional information, please call our support line at 1-800-3AP-STOX.
Stocks running late: Monday, August 17th, 6:00 pmET
Please be advised that due to technical issues, stock pages and stock tables are running approximately 20-25 minutes late this evening.
If you have any questions or need additional information, please call our support line at 1-800-3AP-STOX.
U.S. Markets Closed Friday, July 3rd:
US financial markets will be closed on Friday, July 3rd in observance of Independence Day. No new files or pages will be posted that day.
Weekly files normally posted on Friday nights will be posted on Thursday night, July 2nd.
Normal production will resume on Monday, July 6th.
If you have any questions or need additional information, please call our support line at 1-800-3AP-STOX.
Stocks update: Thursday, July 2nd 6:45 pm ET
We expect to begin posting pages by 6:50 pm ET.
If you have any questions or need additional information, please call our support line at 1-800-3AP-STOX.
Stocks running late: Thursday, July 2nd 6:15 pm ET
Please be advised that due to technical issues stock pages are running late again this evening. We are missing over 3,000 NYSE listings from our source item. We will advise further when we have updated info.
If you have any questions or need additional information, please call our support line at 1-800-3AP-STOX.
U.S. Markets Closed Friday, July 3rd:
US financial markets will be closed on Friday, July 3rd in observance of Independence Day. No new files or pages will be posted that day.
Weekly files normally posted on Friday nights will be posted on Thursday night, July 2nd.
Normal production will resume on Monday, July 6th.
If you have any questions or need additional information, please call our support line at 1-800-3AP-STOX.
Missing commodities: Wednesday, July 1st 6:05 pm ET
Due to some severe technical issues we experienced this evening, commodity prices are missing from our index tables. Unforunately, it is too late to correct the problem in time to meet our member deadlines, many of which have already passed. We apologize for the missing information.
If you have any questions or need additional information, please call our support line at 1-800-3AP-STOX.
Stocks running late: Wednesday, July 1st 6:05 pm ET
Please be advised that due to technical issues stock tables are running approximately 30-35 minutes late this evening. Tables and stock pages will be posted 30-35 minutes later than usual.
If you have any questions or need additional information, please call our support line at 1-800-3AP-STOX.
U.S. Markets Closed Friday, July 3rd:
US financial markets will be closed on Friday, Jully 3rd in observance of Independence Day. No new files or pages will be posted that day.
Weekly files normally posted on Friday nights will be posted on Thursday night, July 2nd.
Normal production will resume on Monday, July 6th.
If you have any questions or need additional information, please call our support line at 1-800-3AP-STOX.
Markets Closed Memorial Day:
U.S. financial markets will be closed Monday, May 25th for Memorial Day. No Money & Markets pages or files will be posted. Files from Friday, May 22nd will be available. Normal production will resume Tuesday, May 26th.
If you have any questions or need additional information, please call our support line at 1-800-3AP-STOX.
Stocks running late: Friday, May 1st 6:05 pm ET
Please be advised that due to technical issues stock tables are running approximately 20-25 minutes late this evening. Tables and stock pages will be posted 20-25 minutes later than usual.
If you have any questions or need additional information, please call our support line at 1-800-3AP-STOX.
Monday April 20th, 9:45 pm ET: Crude oil price change update:
The net change of +2.16 in today's crude oil price reflects the change from Friday's settlement of 18.27 in the May contract. The front contract flipped to June today, so the figure should reflect the change from Friday's settlement of 25.03 in the June contract, with a net change of -4.60. Pages are being re-posted with the updated figure for those who can still make their deadlines. New pages should all be posted by 10:10 pm ET.
If you have any questions or need additional information, please call
our support line at 1-800-3AP-STOX.
Foreign Exchanges Closed Monday, April 13th, 2020:
Please be advised the following foreign exchanges are closed today for Easter Monday:
Australia, Paris, Frankfurt, Hong Kong, London, and Milan.
If you have any questions or need ad
Thursday, April 09, 05:45 PM CDT
US financial markets will be closed on Good Friday, April 10th. No Money & Markets tables or pages will be generated. Weekly files normally generated Friday nights will be posted on Thursday, April 9th, after the daily files.
Thursday, April 09, 05:31 PM CDT
Please be advised that mutual funds are running 20-25 minutes late this evening. At 6:05 pm ET there were approximately 1,850 mutual funds without updated NAVs, necessitating the use of a later snapshot. As a result, fund tables and pages with fund listings will be posted 20-25 minutes later than usual.
If you need additional information, please contact 1-800-3AP-STOX.
US Markets Closed Good Friday:
US financial markets will be closed on Good Friday, April 10th. No Money & Markets tables or pages will be generated. Weekly files normally generated Friday nights will be posted on Thursday, April 9th, after the daily files.
The Toronto stock market will also be closed. Government bond files will not be available either.
Regular production will resume on Monday, April 13th.
If you have any questions or need additional information, please call
our support line at 1-800-3AP-STOX.
Stocks running late: Friday, April 3rd 6:05 pm ET
Please be advised that due to technical issues stock tables are running approximately 20-25 minutes late this evening. Tables and stock pages will be posted 20-25 minutes later than usual.
If you have any questions or need additional information, please call our support line at 1-800-3AP-STOX.
UPDATE: Stocks missing: Thursday, April 2, 7:15 PM ET
We are in the process of re-posting all pages, having recovered the missing NYSE stocks in our tables. If you have already downloaded an incomplete page, please clear your browser cache and watch for the new time stamp on your file(s). We expect all pages to be posted by 8:00 pm ET.
If you have any questions or need additional information, please call our support line at 1-800-3AP-STOX.
Stocks missing: Thursday, April 2, 6:25 PM ET
Due to a technical issue we are missing approximately 90% of our NYSE stock listings from our data tables. We are in the process of investigating and will advise with further information as it becomes available.
If you have any questions or need additional information, please call our support line at 1-800-3AP-STOX.
Foreign exchange rates: Monday, March 30th, 6:15 pm ET
Please be advised that due to an error from our data provider, the foreign exchange rates in today's tables are the same as Friday's. We regret the error, but cannot fix it for tonight's run. We have been told the issue should be corrected tomorrow.
If you have any questions or need additional information, please call our support line at 1-800-3AP-STOX.
Dividends declared suspended:
The item known as "Dividends Declared" will be temporarily suspended while employees are required to work from home due to the cononavirus.
Some receive this file as text (m809 or K809) from an FTP server, or from AP Newsroom. Others incorporate the item into a paginated PDF file.
If you would like to request a substitute item during this time, please e-mail STOCKS@AP.ORG. Be sure to include your contact info, the name of your paper, and the city and state.
If you have any questions or need additional information please call 1-800-3AP-STOX.
To all Money & Markets subscribers:
As you know, stock market activity has been highly volatile this past couple of weeks. This has made it especially difficult for mutual fund companies and pricing agencies to update fund prices in a timely manner.
The AP typically takes a snapshot of mutual fund prices at 6:05 pm ET, by which time under normal circumstances 90 to 95% of media-ready mutual fund prices have been updated.
As of late, we have had to use the 6:30 snapshot instead, which pushes deadlines back by about 25 minutes. Last night, for example, there were approximately 4,900 funds that had not been priced by 6:05, out of a total 8,300 funds available.
Even so, by 6:30 there were still 2,700 funds that had yet to be updated.
We understand that newspapers are a deadline-oriented business and we make every effort to accommodate those deadlines. For that reason we use a snapshot of fund prices no later than 6:30 pm ET, regardless of how many funds have priced by then, in order to meet most member deadlines.
In most cases, the largest fund groups such as Vanguard and Fidelity will have priced by that time. Other groups, like Franklin Templeton, JP Morgan or T. Rowe Price, may not have updated all of their fund prices, in which case the previous day's NAV is still shown.
Going forward we expect that it will be necessary to continue using the 6:30 snapshot for the foreseeable future, until markets have stabilized. This only affects members who receive text files of mutual funds or have funds on their paginated files. Members who do not run mutual funds will see no delay in the delivery of their files.
Those that do use mutual funds can expect those files to begin posting between 6:45 and 6:50 pm ET. All daily files should be posted by 7:05 pm ET.
We appreciate your patience. If you have any questions or need additional information, please call 1.800.3AP.STOX.
Friday, March 20, 06:23 PM CDT
Stocks running late: Friday, March 20th 5:55 pm ET
Please be advised that due to technical issues stock tables are running approximately 20-25 minutes late this evening. Tables and stock pages will be posted 20-25 minutes later than usual.
If you have any questions or need additional information, please call our support line at 1-800-3AP-STOX.
To all Money & Markets subscribers:
As you know, stock market activity has been highly volatile this past couple of weeks. This has made it especially difficult for mutual fund companies and pricing agencies to update fund prices in a timely manner.
The AP typically takes a snapshot of mutual fund prices at 6:05 pm ET, by which time under normal circumstances 90 to 95% of media-ready mutual fund prices have been updated.
As of late, we have had to use the 6:30 snapshot instead, which pushes deadlines back by about 25 minutes. Last night, for example, there were approximately 4,900 funds that had not been priced by 6:05, out of a total 8,300 funds available.
Even so, by 6:30 there were still 2,700 funds that had yet to be updated.
We understand that newspapers are a deadline-oriented business and we make every effort to accommodate those deadlines. For that reason we use a snapshot of fund prices no later than 6:30 pm ET, regardless of how many funds have priced by then, in order to meet most member deadlines.
In most cases, the largest fund groups such as Vanguard and Fidelity will have priced by that time. Other groups, like Franklin Templeton, JP Morgan or T. Rowe Price, may not have updated all of their fund prices, in which case the previous day's NAV is still shown.
Going forward we expect that it will be necessary to continue using the 6:30 snapshot for the foreseeable future, until markets have stabilized. This only affects members who receive text files of mutual funds or have funds on their paginated files. Members who do not run mutual funds will see no delay in the delivery of their files.
Those that do use mutual funds can expect those files to begin posting between 6:45 and 6:50 pm ET. All daily files should be posted by 7:05 pm ET.
We appreciate your patience. If you have any questions or need additional information, please call 1.800.3AP.STOX.
Wednesday, March 18, 05:05 PM CDT
Due to continued market volatility, mutual funds are running 20-25 minutes late this evening. At 6:05 pm ET there were approximately 4,900 mutual funds without updated NAVs, necessitating the use of a later snapshot. As a result, fund tables and pages with fund listings will be posted 20-25 minutes later than usual.
If you need additional information, please contact 1-800-3AP-STOX.
Tuesday, March 17, 05:06 PM CDT
Due to continued market volatility, mutual funds are running 20-25 minutes late this evening. At 6:05 pm ET there were approximately 2,850 mutual funds without updated NAVs, necessitating the use of a later snapshot. As a result, fund tables and pages with fund listings will be posted 20-25 minutes later than usual.
If you need additional information, please contact 1-800-3AP-STOX.
Monday, March 16, 05:07 PM CDT
Due to continued market volatility, mutual funds are running 20-25 minutes late this evening. At 6:05 pm ET there were approximately 4,800 mutual funds without updated NAVs, necessitating the use of a later snapshot. As a result, fund tables and pages with fund listings will be posted 20-25 minutes later than usual.
If you need additional information, please contact 1-800-3AP-STOX.
Mutual funds delayed: Friday, March 13th, 6:05 pm ET:
Please be advised that due to continued market volatility, mutual funds are once again running 20-25 minutes late this evening. At 6:05 pm ET there were approximately 3,500 mutual funds without updated NAVs, necessitating the use of a later snapshot. As a result, fund tables and pages with fund listings will be posted 20-25 minutes later than usual.
Even so, some fund groups may not update in time to meet member deadlines.
If you need additional information, please contact 1-800-3AP-STOX.
Mutual funds delayed: Thursday, March 12th, 6:05 pm ET:
Please be advised that due to continued market volatility, mutual funds are once again running 20-25 minutes late this evening. At 6:05 pm ET there were approximately 4,200 mutual funds without updated NAVs, necessitating the use of a later snapshot. As a result, fund tables and pages with fund listings will be posted 20-25 minutes later than usual.
Even so, some fund groups may not update in time to meet member deadlines.
If you need additional information, please contact 1-800-3AP-STOX.
Mutual funds delayed: Wednesday, March 11th, 6:05 pm ET:
Please be advised that due to continued market volatility, mutual funds are once again running 20-25 minutes late this evening. At 6:05 pm ET there were approximately 2,300 mutual funds without updated NAVs, necessitating the use of a later snapshot. As a result, fund tables and pages with fund listings will be posted 20-25 minutes later than usual.
If you need additional information, please contact 1-800-3AP-STOX.
Mutual funds delayed: Tuesday, March 10th, 6:05 pm ET:
Please be advised that due to continued market volatility, mutual funds are once again running 20-25 minutes late this evening. At 6:05 pm ET there were approximately 2,900 mutual funds without updated NAVs, necessitating the use of a later snapshot. As a result, fund tables and pages with fund listings will be posted 20-25 minutes later than usual.
If you need additional information, please contact 1-800-3AP-STOX.
Mutual funds delayed: Monday, March 9th, 6:05 pm ET:
Please be advised that due to continued market volatility, mutual funds are once again running 20-25 minutes late this evening. At 6:05 pm ET there were approximately 4,500 mutual funds without updated NAVs, necessitating the use of a later snapshot. As a result, fund tables and pages with fund listings will be posted 20-25 minutes later than usual.
If you need additional information, please contact 1-800-3AP-STOX.
Friday, March 06, 05:07 PM CST
Due to continued market volatility, mutual funds are running 20-25 minutes late this evening. At 6:10 pm ET there were approximately 1,925 mutual funds without updated NAVs, necessitating the use of a later snapshot. As a result, mutual fund tables and pages with fund listings will be posted 20-25 minutes later than usual.
If you need additional information, please contact 1-800-3AP-STOX.
Thursday, March 05, 05:08 PM CST
Due to continued market volatility, mutual funds are running 20-25 minutes late this evening. At 6:10 pm ET there were approximately 1,700 mutual funds without updated NAVs, necessitating the use of a later snapshot. As a result, mutual fund tables and pages with fund listings will be posted 20-25 minutes later than usual.
If you need additional information, please contact 1-800-3AP-STOX.
Wednesday, March 04, 05:12 PM CST
Please be advised that mutual funds are running 20-25 minutes late this evening. At 6:10 pm ET there were approximately 1,730 mutual funds without updated NAVs, necessitating the use of a later snapshot. As a result, mutual fund tables and pages with fund listings will be posted 20-25 minutes later than usual.
If you need additional information, please contact 1-800-3AP-STOX.
Wednesday, March 04, 05:12 PM CST
Monday, March 02, 05:14 PM CST
Please be advised that mutual funds are running 20-25 minutes late this evening. At 6:05 pm ET there were approximately 2,700 mutual funds without updated NAVs, necessitating the use of a later snapshot. As a result, mutual fund tables and pages with fund listings will be posted 20-25 minutes later than usual.
If you need additional information, please contact 1-800-3AP-STOX.
Monday, March 02, 05:14 PM CST
Friday, February 28, 05:08 PM CST
Please be advised that mutual funds are running 20-25 minutes late this evening. At 6:05 pm ET there were approximately 2,500 mutual funds without updated NAVs, necessitating the use of a later snapshot. As a result, fund tables and pages with fund listings will be posted 20-25 minutes later than usual.
If you need additional information, please contact 1-800-3AP-STOX.
Mutual funds delayed: Thursday, February 27th, 6:05 pm ET:
Please be advised that mutual funds are running 20-25 minutes late this evening. At 6:05 pm ET there were approximately 2,000 mutual funds without updated NAVs, necessitating the use of a later snapshot. As a result, fund tables and pages with fund listings will be posted 20-25 minutes later than usual.
If you need additional information, please contact 1-800-3AP-STOX.
Wednesday, February 26, 05:10 PM CST
Please be advised that mutual funds are running 20-25 minutes late this evening. At 6:05 pm ET there were approximately 1,660 mutual funds without updated NAVs, necessitating the use of a later snapshot. As a result, fund tables and pages with fund listings will be posted 20-25 minutes later than usual.
If you need additional information, please contact 1-800-3AP-STOX.
Wednesday, February 26, 05:08 PM CST
Please be advised that mutual funds are running 20-25 minutes late this evening. At 6:05 pm ET there were approximately 1,660 mutual funds without updated NAVs, necessitating the use of a later snapshot. As a result, fund tables and pages with fund listings will be posted 20-25 minutes later than usual.
If you need additional information, please contact 1-800-3AP-STOX.
Stocks running late: Monday, February 24th
Please be advised that stock tables are running approximately 20-25 minutes late this evening. Tables and stock pages will be posted 20-25 minutes later than usual.
If you have any questions or need additional information, please call our support line at 1-800-3AP-STOX.
Markets Closed Monday:
U.S. financial markets will be closed Monday, February 17th for Presidents Day. No Money & Markets pages or files will be posted. Files from Friday, February 14th will be available. Normal production will resume Tuesday, February 18th.
If you have any questions or need additional information, please call our support line at 1-800-3AP-STOX.
Monday, February 03, 05:11 PM CST
Please be advised that mutual funds are running 20-25 minutes late this evening. At 6:05 pm ET there were approximately 1,600 mutual funds without updated NAVs, necessitating the use of a later snapshot. As a result, fund tables and pages with fund listings will be posted 20-25 minutes later than usual.
If you need additional information, please contact 1-800-3AP-STOX.
Monday, February 03, 05:11 PM CST
Mutual funds delayed: Friday, January 31st, 6:05 pm ET:
Please be advised that mutual funds are running 20-25 minutes late this evening. At 6:05 pm ET there were approximately 1,560 mutual funds without updated NAVs, necessitating the use of a later snapshot. As a result, fund tables and pages with fund listings will be posted 20-25 minutes later than usual.
If you need additional information, please contact 1-800-3AP-STOX.
Markets Closed Monday
U.S. financial markets will be closed Monday, January 20, for Martin Luther King Jr. Day. No Money & Markets pages or files will be posted. Files from Friday, January 17, will be available. Normal production will resume Tuesday, January 21.
If you have any questions or need additional information, please call our support line at 1-800-3AP-STOX.
Missing one-year returns for stocks:
Please be advised that due to a system error the one-year percent return is missing from stock reports this evening. If you run this data field in your stock table the information will be absent. We are working to correct the problem going forward.
If you have any questions or need additional information, please call
our support line at 1-800-3AP-STOX.
Boxing Day in Canada
Please note that the Toronto stock exchange is closed today, December 26th, in observance of Boxing Day. Toronto stocks will be unavailable.
If you have any questions or need additional information, please call our support line at 1-800-3AP-STOX.
Christmas Holiday Schedule:
U.S. financial markets will be closed on Wednesday, December 25th for Christmas. No Money & Markets tables or pages will be generated. Money & Markets files from Tuesday, December 24th will still be available.
U.S. stock exchanges will close early (1:00 pm ET) on Tuesday, December 24th. However, futures, indexes, rates and mutual funds will not report any earlier than usual on that day. As a result, Money & Markets pages and files will all be posted their normal times Tuesday evening.
If you have any questions or need additional information, please call our support line at 1-800-3AP-STOX.
Mutual funds delayed: Friday, December 13th, 6:05 pm ET:
Please be advised that mutual funds are running 20-25 minutes late this evening. At 6:05 pm ET there were approximately 1,600 mutual funds without updated NAVs, necessitating the use of a later snapshot. As a result, fund tables and pages with fund listings will be posted 20-25 minutes later than usual.
If you need additional information, please contact 1-800-3AP-STOX.
Mutual funds delayed: Monday, December 2nd, 6:05 pm ET:
Please be advised that mutual funds are running 20-25 minutes late this evening. At 6:05 pm ET there were approximately 1,700 mutual funds without updated NAVs, necessitating the use of a later snapshot. As a result, fund tables and pages with fund listings will be posted 20-25 minutes later than usual.
If you need additional information, please contact 1-800-3AP-STOX.
Thanksgiving Holiday Schedule:
US Financial Markets will be closed on Thursday, November 28th in observance of the Thanksgiving Day holiday. No Money & Markets tables or pages will be generated. Money & Markets files from Wednesday, November 27th will still be available.
U.S. stock exchanges will close early (1:00 pm ET) on Friday, November 29th. However, futures, indexes, rates and mutual funds will not report any earlier than usual on that day. As a result, Money & Markets pages and files will all be posted their normal times Friday evening.
If you have any questions or need additional information, please call our support line at 1-800-3AP-STOX.
Thanksgiving Holiday Schedule:
US Financial Markets will be closed on Thursday, November 28th in observance of the Thanksgiving Day holiday. No Money & Markets tables or pages will be generated. Money & Markets files from Wednesday, November 27th will still be available.
U.S. stock exchanges will close early (1:00 pm ET) on Friday, November 29th. However, futures, indexes, rates and mutual funds will not report any earlier than usual on that day. As a result, Money & Markets pages and files will all be posted their normal times Friday evening.
If you have any questions or need additional information, please call our support line at 1-800-3AP-STOX.
Mutual funds delayed: Friday, November 1st, 6:05 pm ET:
Please be advised that mutual funds are running 20-25 minutes late this evening. At 6:05 pm ET there were approximately 3,000 mutual funds without updated NAVs, necessitating the use of a later snapshot. As a result, fund tables and pages with fund listings will be posted 20-25 minutes later than usual.
If you need additional information, please contact 1-800-3AP-STOX.
Mutual funds delayed: Thursday, October 17th, 6:05 pm ET:
Please be advised that mutual funds are running 20-25 minutes late this evening. At 6:05 pm ET there were approximately 2,100 mutual funds without updated NAVs, necessitating the use of a later snapshot. As a result, fund tables and pages with fund listings will be posted 20-25 minutes later than usual.
If you need additional information, please contact 1-800-3AP-STOX.
Stock files delayed: Friday, October 11th, 6:00 pm ET:
Please be advised that stock files and pages are running approximately 15 minutes late this evening due to some late minute corrections. We apologize for the delay.
If you need additional information, please contact 1-800-3AP-STOX.
Production update: Tuesday, October 8th, 7:00 pm ET:
We received some incorrect prices for NYSE stock listings this evening which our data provider was unable to correct. In order to meet member deadlines we are processing the pages and files as is. We regret the inconvenience and will update with additional information as it becomes available.
If you need additional information, please contact 1-800-3AP-STOX.
Production delayed: Tuesday, October 8th, 6:00 pm ET:
Please be advised production is temporarily delayed while we investigate some data integrity issues. We will advise further when we have more information.
If you need additional information, please contact 1-800-3AP-STOX.
Mutual funds delayed: Monday, September 30th, 6:05 pm ET:
Please be advised that mutual funds are running 20-25 minutes late this evening. At 6:05 pm ET there were approximately 1,600 mutual funds without updated NAVs, necessitating the use of a later snapshot. As a result, fund tables and pages with fund listings will be posted 20-25 minutes later than usual.
If you need additional information, please contact 1-800-3AP-STOX.
Tuesday, September 03, 05:09 PM CDT
Please be advised that mutual funds are running 20-25 minutes late this evening. At 6:05 pm ET there were approximately 1,800 mutual funds without updated NAVs, necessitating the use of a later snapshot. As a result, fund tables and pages with fund listings will be posted 20-25 minutes later than usual.
If you need additional information, please contact 1-800-3AP-STOX.
US financial markets will be closed on Monday, September 2nd, in observance of Labor Day. No new files or pages will be posted that day. The Toronto stock exchange will also be closed that day.
If you receive a text file via FTP download with foreign currency rates, those files will still generate. No other files or paginated products will be posted on Monday.
Normal production will resume on Tuesday, September 3rd..
If you have any questions or need additional information, please call our support line at 1-800-3AP-STOX.
U.S. Markets Closed Monday, September 2nd:
US financial markets will be closed on Monday, September 2nd, in observance of Labor Day. No new files or pages will be posted that day. The Toronto stock exchange will also be closed that day.
If you receive a text file via FTP download with foreign currency rates, those files will still generate. No other files or paginated products will be posted on Monday.
Normal production will resume on Tuesday, September 3rd..
If you have any questions or need additional information, please call our support line at 1-800-3AP-STOX.
Tuesday, August 13, 05:13 PM CDT
Please be advised that stocks are running 15 minutes late this evening. At 6:05 pm ET.
If you need additional information, please contact 1-800-3AP-STOX.
UPDATE: Monday, August 12, 08:45 PM CDT Please be advised that NYSE
had trouble disseminating prices this evening and sent many corrections
after our final snapshot was taken. The result is that many NYSE
listings have preliminary figures that were adjusted after the closing
Our attempts to update our database and issue revisions will not meet member
deadlines at this time, unfortunately.
If you need additional information, please contact 1-800-3AP-STOX.
Monday, August 12, 05:03 PM CDT
Please be advised that mutual funds are running 20-25 minutes late this evening. At 6:05 pm ET there were approximately 2,930 mutual funds without updated NAVs, necessitating the use of a later snapshot. As a result, fund tables and pages with fund listings will be posted 20-25 minutes later than usual.
If you need additional information, please contact 1-800-3AP-STOX.
Monday, August 5th:
Please be advised that the Toronto stock exchange is closed today for the Civic Holiday in Canada. Toronto stocks will be unavailable.
If you have any questions or need additional information, please call our support line at 1-800-3AP-STOX.
Mutual funds delayed: Friday, August 2nd, 6:05 pm ET:
Please be advised that mutual funds are running 20-25 minutes late this evening. At 6:05 pm ET there were approximately 1,700 mutual funds without updated NAVs, necessitating the use of a later snapshot. As a result, fund tables and pages with fund listings will be posted 20-25 minutes later than usual.
If you need additional information, please contact 1-800-3AP-STOX.
Mutual funds delayed: Thursday, August 1st, 6:05 pm ET:
Please be advised that mutual funds are running 20-25 minutes late this evening. At 6:05 pm ET there were approximately 1,880 mutual funds without updated NAVs, necessitating the use of a later snapshot. As a result, fund tables and pages with fund listings will be posted 20-25 minutes later than usual.
If you need additional information, please contact 1-800-3AP-STOX.
Wednesday, July 31, 05:09 PM CDT
Please be advised that mutual funds are running 20-25 minutes late this evening. At 6:05 pm ET there were approximately 1,550 mutual funds without updated NAVs, necessitating the use of a later snapshot. As a result, fund tables and pages with fund listings will be posted 20-25 minutes later than usual.
If you need additional information, please contact 1-800-3AP-STOX.
Fourth of July Holiday Schedule:
US Financial Markets will be closed on Thursday, July 4th in observance of the Independence Day holiday. No Money & Markets tables or pages will be generated. Money & Markets files from Wednesday, July 3rd will still be available.
U.S. stock exchanges will close early (1:00 pm ET) on Wednesday, July 3rd. However, futures, indexes, rates and mutual funds will not report any earlier than usual on that day. Money & Markets pages and files will all be posted their normal times Wednesday.
Normal production will resume on Friday, July 5th.
If you have any questions or need additional information, please call our support line at 1-800-3AP-STOX.
Monday, July 01, 05:11 PM CDT
Please be advised that mutual funds are running 20-25 minutes late this evening. At 6:05 pm ET there were approximately 1,900 mutual funds without updated NAVs, necessitating the use of a later snapshot. As a result, fund tables and pages with fund listings will be posted 20-25 minutes later than usual.
If you need additional information, please contact 1-800-3AP-STOX.
Monday, July 01, 05:11 PM CDT
Canada Day, Fourth of July Holiday Schedule:
Please be advised that Toronto stocks will be unavailable today, Monday July 1st, due to the Canada Day holiday.
US Financial Markets will be closed on Thursday, July 4th in observance of the Independence Day holiday. No Money & Markets tables or pages will be generated. Money & Markets files from Tuesday, July 3rd will still be available.
U.S. stock exchanges will close early (1:00 pm ET) on Wednesday, July 3rd. However, futures, indexes, rates and mutual funds will not report any earlier than usual on that day. Money & Markets pages and files will all be posted their normal times Wednesday.
Normal production will resume on Thursday, July 5th.
If you have any questions or need additional information, please call our support line at 1-800-3AP-STOX.
Monday, July 01, 11:24 AM CDT
Mutual funds delayed: Monday, June 24th, 6:05 pm ET:
Please be advised that mutual funds are running 20-25 minutes late this evening. At 6:05 pm ET there were approximately 1,560 mutual funds without updated NAVs, necessitating the use of a later snapshot. As a result, fund tables and pages with fund listings will be posted 20-25 minutes later than usual.
If you need additional information, please contact 1-800-3AP-STOX.
Mutual funds delayed: Monday, June 3rd, 6:05 pm ET:
Please be advised that mutual funds are running 20-25 minutes late this evening. At 6:05 pm ET there were approximately 2,600 mutual funds without updated NAVs, necessitating the use of a later snapshot. As a result, fund tables and pages with fund listings will be posted 20-25 minutes later than usual.
If you need additional information, please contact 1-800-3AP-STOX.
U.S. Markets Closed Monday, May 27th:
US financial markets will be closed on Monday, May 27th, in observance of Memorial Day. No new files or pages will be posted that day.
The Toronto stock exchange will remain open. If you receive a text file via FTP download with Toronto stocks or foreign currency rates, those files will still generate. No other files or paginated products will be posted on Monday.
Normal production will resume on Tuesday, May 28th.
If you have any questions or need additional information, please call our support line at 1-800-3AP-STOX.
Mutual funds delayed: Wednesday, April 17th, 6:05 pm ET:
Please be advised that mutual funds are running 20-25 minutes late this evening. At 6:05 pm ET there were approximately 1,800 mutual funds without updated NAVs, necessitating the use of a later snapshot. As a result, fund tables and pages with fund listings will be posted 20-25 minutes later than usual.
If you need additional information, please contact 1-800-3AP-STOX.
US Markets Closed Good Friday:
US financial markets will be closed on Good Friday, April 19th. No Money & Markets tables or pages will be generated. Weekly files normally generated Friday nights will be posted on Thursday, April 18th, after the daily files.
The Toronto stock market will also be closed. Government bond files will not be available either.
Regular production will resume on Monday, April 22nd.
If you have any questions or need additional information, please call
our support line at 1-800-3AP-STOX.
Friday, April 12, 05:08 PM CDT
Please be advised that mutual funds are running 20-25 minutes late this evening. At 6:05 pm ET approximately 2,200 mutual funds had not reported, necessitating the use of a later snapshot. As a result, mutual fund tables and pages with fund listings will be posted 20-25 minutes later than usual.
If you need additional information, please contact 1-800-3AP-STOX.
Monday, April 01, 05:09 PM CDT
Please be advised that mutual funds are running 20-25 minutes late this evening. At 6:05 pm ET there were approximately 1,660 mutual funds without updated NAVs, necessitating the use of a later snapshot. As a result, mutual fund tables and pages with fund listings will be posted 20-25 minutes later than usual.
If you need additional information, please contact 1-800-3AP-STOX.
Monday, April 01, 05:09 PM CDT
U.S. Markets Closed Monday, February 18th:
US financial markets will be closed on Monday, May 28th, in observance of President's Day. No new files or pages will be posted that day.
Normal production will resume on Tuesday, May 29th.
If you have any questions or need additional information, please call our support line at 1-800-3AP-STOX.
Mutual funds delayed: Wednesday, January 30th, 6:05 pm ET:
Please be advised that mutual funds are running 20-25 minutes late this evening. At 6:05 pm ET there were approximately 1,600 mutual funds without updated NAVs, necessitating the use of a later snapshot. As a result, fund tables and pages with fund listings will be posted 20-25 minutes later than usual.
If you need additional information, please contact 1-800-3AP-STOX.
Stocks delayed: Friday, January 25, 6:05 pm ET:
Please be advised that stocks are running 20-25 minutes late this evening due to a technical issue. As a result, stock tables and pages will be posted 20-25 minutes later than usual.
If you need additional information, please contact 1-800-3AP-STOX.
Thursday, November 01, 05:11 PM CDT
Thursday Nov. 1st, 6:15 pm ET
Please be advised that mutual funds are running 20-25 minutes late this evening; at 6:05 pm ET there were approximately 1,371 funds without updated NAVs, necessitating the use of a later snapshot. As a result, fund tables and pages with fund listings will be posted 20-25 minutes later than usual.
If you have any questions or need additional information please call 1-800-3AP-STOX.
test-please disregard
this is a test advisory, please disregard
this is a test advisory, please disregard
Friday, August 31, 02:09 PM CDT
Please be advised that U.S. Financial markets will be closed on Monday, September 3, in observance of the Labor Day Holiday.
The Toronto Stock Market will also be closed on Monday, September 3, in observance of the Labour Day Holiday.
Foreign Currency files will generate on Monday, September 3. No other new files will be generated on Monday, September 3. Money & Markets files from Friday, August 31, which is a regular trading day, will be available.
Normal production will resume on Tuesday, September 4.
If you have any questions or are in need of further information please call our support line at 1-800-3AP-STOX.
Friday, August 31, 02:08 PM CDT
Monday, February 05, 05:11 PM CST
Please be advised that we are running 20-25 minutes late this evening. As a result, stock listings will be posted 20-25 minutes later than usual.
If you need additional information, please contact 1-800-3AP-STOX.
Monday, December 04, 05:11 PM CST
Please be advised that mutual funds are running 20-25 minutes late this evening. At 6:05 pm ET there were approximately 2,000 mutual funds without updated NAVs, necessitating the use of a later snapshot. As a result, mutual fund tables and pages with fund listings will be posted 20-25 minutes later than usual.
If you need additional information, please contact 1-800-3AP-STOX.
Thanksgiving Day Holiday
Please be advised that U.S. financial markets will be closed on Thursday, November 23, in observance of the Thanksgiving Day holiday.
No files will be generated or posted. Money & Markets files from Wednesday, November 22, which is a regular trading day, will be available on Thursday, November 23.
U.S. financial markets are open for a full day of trading on Wednesday, November 22. No pages or files will be generated any earlier than usual.
U.S. stock exchanges close early (1:00 pm ET) on Friday, November 23. However, futures trading does not end early on this day, and mutual funds do not report any earlier than usual. Indexes, which include foreign markets, do not report any earlier than normal on Friday either. All pages and files will be posted or transmitted at their usual time.
If you have any questions or are in need of further information please call our support line at 1-800-3AP-STOX.
Tuesday, November 14, 05:28 PM CST
Please be advised that mutual funds are running 20-25 minutes late this evening. As a result, mutual fund tables and pages with fund listings will be posted 20-25 minutes later than usual.
If you need additional information, please contact 1-800-3AP-STOX.
UPDATE: Foreign Exchange Rates
Friday, November 10th, 6:58 pm ET
We have now received updated figures for foreign exchange rates. We will begin rerunning all templates with the updated figures as soon as possible.
If you have any questions or need additional information please call 1-800-3AP-STOX.
UPDATE: Foreign Exchange Rates
Friday, November 10th, 6:58 pm ET
We have now received updated figures for foreign exchange rates. We will begin rerunning all templates with the updated figures as soon as possible.
We apologize for the inconvenience and will continue to work with our data provider to insure updated figures are available on Monday.
If you have any questions or need additional information please call 1-800-3AP-STOX.
Foreign Exchange Rates
Friday, November 10th, 6:05 pm ET
Please be advised that our data provider did not send updated figures for exchange rates today, indicating that their third party vendor had an outage with no ETA for a fix. As a result, we do not have new rates to report today.
We apologize for the inconvenience and will continue to work with our data provider to insure updated figures are available on Monday.
If you have any questions or need additional information please call 1-800-3AP-STOX.
Friday, November 10, 05:19 PM CST
Foreign Exchange Rates
Monday, November 6th, 6:05 pm ET
Please be advised that mutual funds are running 20-25 minutes late this evening; at 6:05 pm ET there were approximately 1,554 funds without updated NAVs, necessitating the use of a later snapshot. As a result, fund tables and pages with fund listings will be posted 20-25 minutes later than usual.
If you have any questions or need additional information please call 1-800-3AP-STOX.
Monday, November 06, 05:08 PM CST
Friday, October 27th, 6:05 pm ET
Please be advised that mutual funds are running 20-25 minutes late this evening; at 6:05 pm ET there were approximately 1,900 funds without updated NAVs, necessitating the use of a later snapshot. As a result, fund tables and pages with fund listings will be posted 20-25 minutes later than usual.
If you have any questions or need additional information please call 1-800-3AP-STOX.
Friday, October 27, 05:09 PM CDT
Monday, October 02, 05:14 PM CDT
Please be advised that mutual funds are running 20-25 minutes late this evening. At 6:05 pm ET there were approximately 2,000 mutual funds without updated NAVs, necessitating the use of a later snapshot. As a result, mutual fund tables and pages with fund listings will be posted 20-25 minutes later than usual.
If you need additional information, please contact 1-800-3AP-STOX.
Friday, September 29, 05:06 PM CDT
Please be advised that mutual funds are running 20-25 minutes late this evening. At 6:05 pm ET approximately 2,200 mutual funds had not reported, necessitating the use of a later snapshot. As a result, mutual fund tables and pages with fund listings will be posted 20-25 minutes later than usual.
If you need additional information, please contact 1-800-3AP-STOX.
Friday, September 29, 05:06 PM CDT
Thursday, September 28, 05:07 PM CDT
Please be advised that mutual funds are running 20-25 minutes late this evening. At 6:05 pm ET approximately 1,600 mutual funds had not reported, necessitating the use of a later snapshot. As a result, mutual fund tables and pages with fund listings will be posted 20-25 minutes later than usual.
If you need additional information, please contact 1-800-3AP-STOX.
Monday, September 11, 05:09 PM CDT
Please be advised that mutual funds are running 20-25 minutes late this evening. At 6:05 pm ET approximately 1,900 mutual funds had not reported, necessitating the use of a later snapshot. As a result, mutual fund tables and pages with fund listings will be posted 20-25 minutes later than usual.
If you need additional information, please contact 1-800-3AP-STOX.
Monday, September 11, 05:08 PM CDT
Monday, September 11th, 6:05 pm ET
Monday, July 3rd, 6:05 pm ET
Please be advised that mutual funds are running 20-25 minutes late this evening; at 6:05 pm ET there were approximately 1,930 funds without updated NAVs, necessitating the use of a later snapshot. As a result, fund tables and pages with fund listings will be posted 20-25 minutes later than usual.
If you have any questions or need additional information please call 1-800-3AP-STOX.
Monday, July 03, 05:11 PM CDT
Monday, July 03, 05:10 PM CDT
Monday, July 03, 05:10 PM CDT
Monday, May 1st, 6:05 pm ET
Please be advised that mutual funds are running 20-25 minutes late this evening. At 6:05 pm ET approximately 2,500 mutual funds had not reported, necessitating the use of a later snapshot. As a result, mutual fund tables and pages with fund listings will be posted 20-25 minutes later than usual.
If you need additional information, please contact 1-800-3AP-STOX.
Monday, May 01, 05:07 PM CDT
Please be advised that mutual funds are running 20-25 minutes late this evening. At 6:05 pm ET approximately 2,500 mutual funds had not reported, necessitating the use of a later snapshot. As a result, mutual fund tables and pages with fund listings will be posted 20-25 minutes later than usual.
If you need additional information, please contact 1-800-3AP-STOX.
Markets closed Friday:
Please be advised that the U.S. financial markets will be closed on Friday, April 14th, in observance of Good Friday. No stock market files or tables will be generated that day as a result. The Toronto Stock Market will also be closed on Friday. Government Bond files will also be unavailable.
Weekly files which normally generate on Friday night will be generated on Thursday, April 13th, immediately following the daily files.
Normal production will resume on Monday, April 17th.
If you have any questions or need additional information, please call our support line at 1-800-3AP-STOX.
Wednesday, March 15th, 6:05 pm ET:
Please be advised that stock tables are moving late due to a processing issue this evening. We expect all stock and index tables to transmit by 6:20 pm ET.
If you need additional information, please contact 1-800-3AP-STOX.
Due to a technical issue at one of the mutual fund pricing agencies, some fund groups today - including Dimensional, Price, PIMCO and TIAA-CREF funds - still show Friday's Net Asset Value (NAV) with no daily change information.
Since many of the other big groups like Vanguard, Fidelity and Franklin-Templeton have updated NAVs - and in the interest of meeting our members' deadlines, we have released the mutual funds as they were reporting at 6:30 pm ET.
If you need additional information, please contact 1-800-3AP-STOX.
Monday, March 06, 05:10 PM CST
Please be advised that mutual funds are running 20-25 minutes late this evening. At 6:05 pm ET approximately 4,100 mutual funds had not reported, necessitating the use of a later snapshot. As a result, mutual fund tables and pages with fund listings will be posted 20-25 minutes later than usual.
If you need additional information, please contact 1-800-3AP-STOX.
Monday, March 06, 05:10 PM CST
Monday, March 06, 05:09 PM CST
Tuesday, February 21st, 6:05 pm ET
Please be advised that mutual funds are running 20-25 minutes late this evening; at 6:05 pm ET there were approximately 1,600 funds without updated NAVs, necessitating the use of a later snapshot. As a result, fund tables and pages with fund listings will be posted 20-25 minutes later than usual.
If you have any questions or need additional information please call 1-800-3AP-STOX.
Wednesday, January 25, 05:07 PM CST
Please be advised that mutual funds are running 20-25 minutes late this evening. At 6:05 pm ET there were approximately 2,745 mutual funds without updated NAVs, necessitating the use of a later snapshot. As a result, mutual fund tables and pages with fund listings will be posted 20-25 minutes later than usual.
If you need additional information, please contact 1-800-3AP-STOX.
Tuesday, January 24, 05:08 PM CST
Please be advised that mutual funds are running 20-25 minutes late this evening. At 6:05 pm ET there were approximately 1,700 mutual funds without updated NAVs, necessitating the use of a later snapshot. As a result, mutual fund tables and pages with fund listings will be posted 20-25 minutes later than usual.
If you need additional information, please contact 1-800-3AP-STOX.
Monday, January 23, 05:08 PM CST
Please be advised that mutual funds are running 20-25 minutes late this evening. At 6:05 pm ET there were approximately 1,520 mutual funds without updated NAVs, necessitating the use of a later snapshot. As a result, mutual fund tables and pages with fund listings will be posted 20-25 minutes later than usual.
If you need additional information, please contact 1-800-3AP-STOX.
Wednesday, December 7th, 6:05 pm ET:
Please be advised that mutual funds are running 20-25 minutes late this
evening. At 6:05 pm ET there were approximately 1,640 funds without
updated NAVs, necessitating the use of a later snapshot. As a result,
fund tables and pages with fund listings will be posted 20-25 minutes
later than usual.
If you need additional information, please contact 1-800-3AP-STOX.
Thursday, December 1st, 6:05 pm ET:
Please be advised that mutual funds are running 20-25 minutes late this
evening. At 6:05 pm ET there were approximately 1,600 funds without
updated NAVs, necessitating the use of a later snapshot. As a result,
fund tables and pages with fund listings will be posted 20-25 minutes
later than usual.
If you need additional information, please contact 1-800-3AP-STOX.
Thanksgiving Day Holiday
Please be advised that U.S. financial markets will be closed on Thursday,
November 24, in observance of the Thanksgiving Day holiday.
No files will be generated or posted. Money & Markets files from
Wednesday, November 23, which is a regular trading day, will be available
on Thursday, November 24.
U.S. financial markets are open for a full day of trading on
Wednesday, November 23. No pages or files will be generated any earlier
than usual.
U.S. stock exchanges close early (1:00 pm ET) on Friday, November 25.
However, futures trading does not end early on this day, and mutual funds
do not report any earlier than usual. Indexes, which include foreign
markets, do not report any earlier than normal on Friday either. All
pages and files will be posted or transmitted at their usual time.
If you have any questions or are in need of further information please
call our support line at 1-800-3AP-STOX.
Friday, November 11th, 2016:
Please be advised that Bond markets will be closed on Friday for Veterans
If you have any questions or need additional information, please call
our support line at 1-800-3AP-STOX.
Wednesday, November 9th, 6:50 pm ET:
Please be advised that mutual funds are running 20-25 minutes late this
evening due to a processing issue. As a result, fund tables and pages
with fund listings will be posted 20-25 minutes later than usual.
If you need additional information, please contact 1-800-3AP-STOX.
Wednesday, November 09, 05:51 PM CST
Monday, November 7th, 6:05 pm ET:
Please be advised that mutual funds are running 20-25 minutes late this
evening. At 6:05 pm ET there were approximately 1,550 funds without
updated NAVs, necessitating the use of a later snapshot. As a result,
fund tables and pages with fund listings will be posted 20-25 minutes
later than usual.
If you need additional information, please contact 1-800-3AP-STOX.
Tuesday, November 1st, 6:05 pm ET
Please be advised that mutual funds are running 20-25 minutes late this
evening. At 6:05 pm ET approximately 1,500 mutual funds had not reported,
necessitating the use of a later snapshot. As a result, mutual fund
tables and pages with fund listings will be posted 20-25 minutes later
than usual.
If you need additional information, please contact 1-800-3AP-STOX.
Monday, October 31st, 6:05 pm ET
Please be advised that mutual funds are running 20-25 minutes late this
evening. At 6:05 pm ET approximately 1,650 mutual funds had not reported,
necessitating the use of a later snapshot. As a result, mutual fund
tables and pages with fund listings will be posted 20-25 minutes later
than usual.
If you need additional information, please contact 1-800-3AP-STOX.
All AP Markets systems are operating normally at this time.
All AP Markets systems are operating normally at this time.
Monday, October 10th, 2016:
Please be advised that the Toronto stock exchange will be closed on
Monday for Thanksgiving.
If you have any questions or need additional information, please call
our support line at 1-800-3AP-STOX.
Monday, October 10th, 6:05 pm ET:
Please be advised that mutual funds are running 20-25 minutes late this
evening. At 6:05 pm ET there were approximately 1,565 funds without
updated NAVs, necessitating the use of a later snapshot. As a result,
fund tables and pages with fund listings will be posted 20-25 minutes
later than usual.
If you need additional information, please contact 1-800-3AP-STOX.
Monday, October 10th, 2016
Please be advised that the Toronto, Hong Kong and Tokyo exchanges will be
closed on Monday for national holidays.
Bond markets in the U.S. will also be closed for Columbus Day.
If you have any questions or need additional information, please call
our support line at 1-800-3AP-STOX.
Friday September 30th, 6:05 pm ET
Please be advised that mutual funds are running 20-25 minutes late
this evening; at 6:05 pm ET there were approximately 1,440 funds
without updated NAVs, necessitating the use of a later snapshot. As a
result, fund tables and pages with fund listings will be posted 20-25
minutes later than usual.
If you have any questions or need additional information please call
Please be advised that U.S. financial markets will be closed on
Monday, September 5, in observance of the Labor Day Holiday.
The Toronto Stock Market will also be closed on Monday, September 5,
in observance of the Labour Day Holiday.
Foreign Currency files will generate on Monday, September 5. No other
new files will be generated on Monday, September 5. Money & Markets files
from Friday, September 2, which is a regular trading day, will be
Normal production will resume on Tuesday September 6.
If you have any questions or are in need of further information please
call our support line at 1-800-3AP-STOX.
Friday, August 12th, 6:05 pm ET:
Please be advised that stock pages are running approximately 20 minutes
late this evening due to a data provider error. We expect to begin
posting stock pages by 6:30 pm ET.
If you need additional information, please contact 1-800-3AP-STOX.
Monday, August 1st, 6:05 pm ET:
Please be advised that mutual funds are running 20-25 minutes late this
evening. At 6:05 pm ET there were approximately 1,450 funds without
updated NAVs, necessitating the use of a later snapshot. As a result,
fund tables and pages with fund listings will be posted 20-25 minutes
later than usual.
Toronto stocks will not be available today due to Canada's Civic
If you need additional information, please contact 1-800-3AP-STOX.
Friday, July 29th, 6:05 pm ET:
Please be advised that mutual funds are running 20-25 minutes late this
evening. At 6:05 pm ET there were approximately 1,440 funds without
updated NAVs, necessitating the use of a later snapshot. As a result,
fund tables and pages with fund listings will be posted 20-25 minutes
later than usual.
If you need additional information, please contact 1-800-3AP-STOX.
Monday, July 18th, 6:35 pm ET:
Please be advised that mutual funds are running 20-25 minutes late this
evening. Our data provider was late in delivering their files. As a
result, fund tables and pages with fund listings will be posted 20-25
minutes later than usual.
If you need additional information, please contact 1-800-3AP-STOX.
Friday, July 08, 02:11 PM CDT
Tuesday, July 5th, 6:05 pm ET:
Please be advised that mutual funds are running 20-25 minutes late this
evening. At 6:05 pm ET there were approximately 1,800 funds without
updated NAVs, necessitating the use of a later snapshot. As a result,
fund tables and pages with fund listings will be posted 20-25 minutes
later than usual.
If you need additional information, please contact 1-800-3AP-STOX.
Please be advised that Toronto stock tables will not be available Friday,
July 1st, due to the Canada Day holiday.
Fourth of July Holiday Schedule:
US Financial Markets will be closed on Monday, July 4th in observance
of the Independence Day holiday. No Money & Markets tables or pages will
be generated. Money & Markets files from Friday, July 1st will still be
Normal production will resume on Tuesday, July 5th.
If you have any questions or need additional information, please call
our support line at 1-800-3AP-STOX.
Friday, June 30th, 6:05 pm ET:
Please be advised that mutual funds are running 20-25 minutes late this
evening. At 6:05 pm ET there were approximately 3,200 funds without
updated NAVs, necessitating the use of a later snapshot. As a result,
fund tables and pages with fund listings will be posted 20-25 minutes
later than usual.
If you need additional information, please contact 1-800-3AP-STOX.
Please be advised that Toronto stock tables will not be available Friday,
July 1st, due to the Canada Day holiday.
Fourth of July Holiday Schedule:
US Financial Markets will be closed on Monday, July 4th in observance
of the Independence Day holiday. No Money & Markets tables or pages will
be generated. Money & Markets files from Friday, July 1st will still be
Normal production will resume on Tuesday, July 5th.
If you have any questions or need additional information, please call
our support line at 1-800-3AP-STOX.
Thursday, June 30, 05:08 PM CDT
Please be advised that mutual funds are running 20-25 minutes late
this evening. At 6:05 pm ET there were approximately 1,700 mutual funds
without updated NAVs, necessitating the use of a later snapshot. As a
result, mutual fund tables and pages with fund listings will be posted
20-25 minutes later than usual.
If you need additional information, please contact 1-800-3AP-STOX.
Please be advised that Toronto stock tables will not be available Friday,
July 1st, due to the Canada Day holiday.
Fourth of July Holiday Schedule:
US Financial Markets will be closed on Monday, July 4th in observance
of the Independence Day holiday. No Money & Markets tables or pages will
be generated. Money & Markets files from Friday, July 1st will still be
Normal production will resume on Tuesday, July 5th.
If you have any questions or need additional information, please call
our support line at 1-800-3AP-STOX.
Wednesday, June 29, 05:09 PM CDT
Please be advised that mutual funds are running 20-25 minutes late
this evening. At 6:05 pm ET there were approximately 1,350 mutual funds
without updated NAVs, necessitating the use of a later snapshot. As a
result, mutual fund tables and pages with fund listings will be posted
20-25 minutes later than usual.
If you need additional information, please contact 1-800-3AP-STOX.
Monday, June 27, 05:07 PM CDT
Please be advised that mutual funds are running 20-25 minutes late
this evening. At 6:05 pm ET there were approximately 1,350 mutual funds
without updated NAVs, necessitating the use of a later snapshot. As a
result, mutual fund tables and pages with fund listings will be posted
20-25 minutes later than usual.
If you need additional information, please contact 1-800-3AP-STOX.
Friday, June 24th, 6:05 pm ET:
Due to market volatility today, stock tables are running approximately
20-25 minutes later than usual. We also expect fund tables to run 20-30
minutes later than usual.
If you need additional information, please contact 1-800-3AP-STOX.
Monday, June 20, 05:10 PM CDT
Please be advised that mutual funds are running 20-25 minutes late
this evening. At 6:05 pm ET there were approximately 1,480 mutual funds
without updated NAVs, necessitating the use of a later snapshot. As a
result, mutual fund tables and pages with fund listings will be posted
20-25 minutes later than usual.
If you need additional information, please contact 1-800-3AP-STOX.
Thursday, June 16, 05:07 PM CDT
Please be advised that mutual funds are running 20-25 minutes late this
evening. At 6:05 pm ET approximately 1,500 mutual funds had not reported,
necessitating the use of a later snapshot. As a result, mutual fund
tables and pages with fund listings will be posted 20-25 minutes later
than usual.
If you need additional information, please contact 1-800-3AP-STOX.
Wednesday, June 15, 05:08 PM CDT
Please be advised that mutual funds are running 20-25 minutes late this
evening. At 6:05 pm ET approximately 1,450 mutual funds had not reported,
necessitating the use of a later snapshot. As a result, mutual fund
tables and pages with fund listings will be posted 20-25 minutes later
than usual.
If you need additional information, please contact 1-800-3AP-STOX.
Wednesday, June 15, 05:07 PM CDT
Tuesday, May 31st, 6:05 pm ET:
Please be advised that mutual funds are running 20-25 minutes late this
evening. At 6:05 pm ET there were approximately 1,900 funds without
updated NAVs, necessitating the use of a later snapshot. As a result,
fund tables and pages with fund listings will be posted 20-25 minutes
later than usual.
If you need additional information, please contact 1-800-3AP-STOX.
MARKETS CLOSED Monday, May 30 for Memorial Day Holiday
Please be advised that U.S. financial markets will be closed on
Monday, May 30, in observance of the Memorial Day Holiday.
The Toronto Stock Market will be open on Monday, May 30.
Foreign Currency and Toronto Stock files will generate on
Monday, May 30.
No other new files will be generated on Monday, May 30.
Money & Markets files from Friday, May 27, which is a regular
trading day, will be available.
Normal production will resume on Tuesday May 31.
If you have any questions or are in need of further information
please call our support line at 1-800-3AP-STOX.
Monday, May 23rd, 6:05 pm ET:
Please be advised that the Toronto Stock Exchange is closed today for
Victoria Day. No Toronto stocks will be available.
If you need additional information, please contact 1-800-3AP-STOX.
Monday, May 2nd, 6:05 pm ET:
Please be advised that mutual funds are running 20-25 minutes late this
evening. At 6:05 pm ET there were approximately 1,700 funds without
updated NAVs, necessitating the use of a later snapshot. As a result,
fund tables and pages with fund listings will be posted 20-25 minutes
later than usual.
If you need additional information, please contact 1-800-3AP-STOX.
Tuesday, April 26th, 6:25 pm ET:
Please be advised that due to a late correction in the Nasdaq close,
stock files and pages are running approximately 20-25 minutes later than
If you need additional information, please contact 1-800-3AP-STOX.
Monday, April 11th, 7:05 pm ET:
Please disregard any Thursday templates you may find in your folder; a
handful of Thursday templates (1THPS.XXXXX.pdf) were accidentally posted
this evening. The Tuesday templates (1TUPS.XXXXX.pdf) are the correct
files to download.
If you need additional information, please contact 1-800-3AP-STOX.
Friday, April 1st, 6:05 pm ET
Please be advised that mutual funds are running 20-25 minutes late this
evening; at 6:05 pm ET there were approximately 1,400 funds without
updated NAVs, necessitating the use of a later snapshot. As a result,
fund tables and pages with fund listings will be posted 20-25 minutes
later than usual.
If you need additional information, please contact 1-800-3AP-STOX.
US Markets closed Good Friday:
Please be advised that U.S. financial markets and the Toronto Stock
Market will be closed on Friday, March 25, in observance of the Good
Friday holiday.
Additionally, Government bonds files will not be available due to the
Weekly files which normally generate on Friday night will be generated
on Thursday, March 24 this week.
Foreign exchange files will generate on Friday, March 25. No other new
files will be generated on Friday, March 25.
Money & Markets files from Thursday, March 24, which is a regular
trading day, will be available.
Normal production will resume on Monday March 28.
If you have any questions, please contact 1-800-3AP-STOX.
Thursday, March 24th, 6:05 pm ET
Please be advised that Money & Markets files may be delayed by 15-20
minutes as we update a last minute correction to the Nasdaq close.
If you need additional information, please contact 1-800-3AP-STOX.
US Markets closed Good Friday:
Please be advised that U.S. financial markets and the Toronto Stock
Market will be closed on Friday, March 25, in observance of the Good
Friday holiday.
Additionally, Government bonds files will not be available due to the
Weekly files which normally generate on Friday night will be generated
on Thursday, March 24 this week.
Foreign exchange files will generate on Friday, March 25. No other new
files will be generated on Friday, March 25.
Money & Markets files from Thursday, March 24, which is a regular
trading day, will be available.
Normal production will resume on Monday March 28.
If you have any questions, please contact 1-800-3AP-STOX.
Friday, March 4th, 7:30 pm ET
Please be advised that Money & Markets Extra pages, with Personal Finance
content including Money Matters and Quick Fix, may be delayed this
evening by up to one hour. An issue with the Small Business Monitor
module needs to be resolved.
All other weekly pages should be posted at their normal time.
If you need additional information, please contact 1-800-3AP-STOX.
Monday, February 29, 05:06 PM CST
Please be advised that mutual funds are running 20-25 minutes late
this evening. At 6:05 pm ET there were approximately 1,650 mutual funds
without updated NAVs, necessitating the use of a later snapshot. As a
result, mutual fund tables and pages with fund listings will be posted
20-25 minutes later than usual.
If you need additional information, please contact 1-800-3AP-STOX.
Friday, February 19th, 6:05 pm ET
Please be advised that stock pages are running late; we are still waiting
for the Centerpiece to be completed. We hope to begin posting stock pages
by 6:45 pm ET. Further advisories will follow if necessary.
If you need additional information, please contact 1-800-3AP-STOX.
Tuesday, February 16, 05:22 PM CST
Please be advised that mutual funds are running 20-25 minutes late
this evening. At 6:05 pm ET there were approximately 1,500 mutual funds
without updated NAVs, necessitating the use of a later snapshot. As a
result, mutual fund tables and pages with fund listings will be posted
20-25 minutes later than usual.
If you need additional information, please contact 1-800-3AP-STOX.
Please be advised that U.S. financial markets will be closed on
Monday, February 15th, in observance of the President's Day Holiday. The
Toronto Stock Market will also be closed on Monday, February 15th, in
observance of the Family Day Holiday.
Foreign Currency files will generate on Monday, February 15th. No other
new files will be generated on Monday, February 15th.
Money & Markets files from Friday, February 12th, which is a regular
trading day, will be available. Normal production will resume on Tuesday
February 16th.
If you have any questions or are in need of further information please
call our support line at 1-800-3AP-STOX.
Friday, January 29, 05:26 PM CST
Please be advised that mutual funds are running 20-25 minutes late this
evening. As a result, mutual fund tables and pages with fund listings
will be posted 20-25 minutes later than usual.
If you need additional information, please contact 1-800-3AP-STOX.
Friday, January 29, 05:25 PM CST
Friday, January 29th, 6:05 pm ET
Please be advised that mutual funds are running 20-25 minutes late this
evening. At 6:05 pm ET there were approximately 1,300 mutual funds
without updated NAVs, necessitating the use of a later snapshot. As a
result, mutual fund tables and pages with fund listings will be posted
20-25 minutes later than usual.
If you need additional information, please contact 1-800-3AP-STOX.
Monday, January 25th, 6:05 pm ET
Please be advised that mutual funds are running 20-25 minutes late this
evening. At 6:05 pm ET there were approximately 1,300 mutual funds
without updated NAVs, necessitating the use of a later snapshot. As a
result, mutual fund tables and pages with fund listings will be posted
20-25 minutes later than usual.
If you need additional information, please contact 1-800-3AP-STOX.
Tuesday, January 19, 05:18 PM CST
Tuesday, January 19th, 6:05 pm ET Please be advised that
mutual funds are running 20-25 minutes late this evening. At 6:05 pm ET
there were approximately 1,400 mutual funds without updated NAVs,
necessitating the use of a later snapshot. As a result, mutual fund
tables and pages with fund listings will be posted 20-25 minutes later
than usual.
If you need additional information, please contact
Tuesday, January 19, 05:13 PM CST
Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday:
Please be advised that U.S. financial markets will be closed on
Monday, January 18th in observance of the Martin Luther King, Jr.
Toronto Stock files and Foreign Currency files will generate on
Monday, January 18th. No other new files will be generated.
Money & Markets files from Friday, January 15th, which is a regular
trading day, will be available.
Normal production will resume on Tuesday January 19th.
If you have any questions or are in need of further information please
call our support line at 1-800-3AP-STOX.
Wednesday, January 6th, 6:05 pm ET
Please be advised that mutual funds are running 20-25 minutes late this
evening. At 6:05 pm ET there were approximately 1,600 mutual funds
without updated NAVs, necessitating the use of a later snapshot. As a
result, mutual fund tables and pages with fund listings will be posted
20-25 minutes later than usual.
If you need additional information, please contact 1-800-3AP-STOX.
Monday, January 4th, 6:05 pm ET
Please be advised that mutual funds are running 20-25 minutes late this
evening. At 6:05 pm ET there were approximately 1,500 mutual funds
without updated NAVs, necessitating the use of a later snapshot. As a
result, mutual fund tables and pages with fund listings will be posted
20-25 minutes later than usual.
If you need additional information, please contact 1-800-3AP-STOX.
New Year's Eve Schedule:
U.S. financial markets will be closed on Friday, January 1st, 2016. No
files will be generated or posted.
U.S. financial markets are open for a full day of trading on Thursday,
December 31st. No daily pages or files will be generated any earlier than
usual. Weekly files (those normally posted on Friday night) will be
posted on Thursday night after the daily files.
If you have any questions or are in need of further information please
call our support line at 1-800-3AP-STOX.
New Year's Eve Schedule:
U.S. financial markets will be closed on Friday, January 1st, 2016. No
files will be generated or posted.
U.S. financial markets are open for a full day of trading on Thursday,
December 31st. No daily pages or files will be generated any earlier than
usual. Weekly files (those normally posted on Friday night) will be
posted on Thursday night after the daily files.
If you have any questions or are in need of further information please
call our support line at 1-800-3AP-STOX.
Monday, December 28th, 6:05 pm ET
Please be advised that Toronto stocks are unavailable today. The Toronto
exchange is closed for Boxing Day in Canada.
If you need additional information, please contact 1-800-3AP-STOX.
New Year's Eve Schedule:
U.S. financial markets will be closed on Friday, January 1st, 2016. No
files will be generated or posted.
U.S. financial markets are open for a full day of trading on Thursday,
December 31st. No daily pages or files will be generated any earlier than
usual. Weekly files (those normally posted on Friday night) will be
posted on Thursday night after the daily files.
If you have any questions or are in need of further information please
call our support line at 1-800-3AP-STOX.
Holiday Schedule:
U.S. financial markets will be closed on Friday, December 25th, 2015
and Friday, January 1st, 2016. No files will be generated or posted.
U.S. stock exchanges close early (1:00 pm ET) on Thursday, December
24th. However, futures trading does not end early on this day, and
neither mutual funds nor indexes (which include foreign markets) report
any earlier than usual. All daily pages and files will be posted or
transmitted at their usual time. Weekly files and pages normally
delivered on Friday nights will be posted Thursday night immediately
following daily files and pages (in accordance with a typical Friday
U.S. financial markets are open for a full day of trading on Thursday,
December 31st. No daily pages or files will be generated any earlier than
usual. Weekly files again will be posted on Thursday night after the
daily files.
If you have any questions or are in need of further information please
call our support line at 1-800-3AP-STOX.
Wednesday, December 23rd, 6:05 pm ET
Please be advised that mutual funds are running 20-25 minutes late this
evening. At 6:05 pm ET there were approximately 1,600 mutual funds
without updated NAVs, necessitating the use of a later snapshot. As a
result, mutual fund tables and pages with fund listings will be posted
20-25 minutes later than usual.
If you need additional information, please contact 1-800-3AP-STOX.
Holiday Schedule:
U.S. financial markets will be closed on Friday, December 25th, 2015
and Friday, January 1st, 2016. No files will be generated or posted.
U.S. stock exchanges close early (1:00 pm ET) on Thursday, December
24th. However, futures trading does not end early on this day, and
neither mutual funds nor indexes (which include foreign markets) report
any earlier than usual. All daily pages and files will be posted or
transmitted at their usual time. Weekly files and pages normally
delivered on Friday nights will be posted Thursday night immediately
following daily files and pages (in accordance with a typical Friday
U.S. financial markets are open for a full day of trading on Thursday,
December 31st. No daily pages or files will be generated any earlier than
usual. Weekly files again will be posted on Thursday night after the
daily files.
If you have any questions or are in need of further information please
call our support line at 1-800-3AP-STOX.
Holiday Schedule:
U.S. financial markets will be closed on Friday, December 25th, 2015
and Friday, January 1st, 2016. No files will be generated or posted.
U.S. stock exchanges close early (1:00 pm ET) on Thursday, December
24th. However, futures trading does not end early on this day, and
neither mutual funds nor indexes (which include foreign markets) report
any earlier than usual. All daily pages and files will be posted or
transmitted at their usual time. Weekly files and pages normally
delivered on Friday nights will be posted Thursday night immediately
following daily files and pages (in accordance with a typical Friday
U.S. financial markets are open for a full day of trading on Thursday,
December 31st. No daily pages or files will be generated any earlier than
usual. Weekly files again will be posted on Thursday night after the
daily files.
If you have any questions or are in need of further information please
call our support line at 1-800-3AP-STOX.
Holiday Schedule:
U.S. financial markets will be closed on Friday, December 25th, 2015
and Friday, January 1st, 2016. No files will be generated or posted.
U.S. stock exchanges close early (1:00 pm ET) on Thursday, December
24th. However, futures trading does not end early on this day, and
neither mutual funds nor indexes (which include foreign markets) report
any earlier than usual. All daily pages and files will be posted or
transmitted at their usual time. Weekly files and pages normally
delivered on Friday nights will be posted Thursday night immediately
following daily files and pages (in accordance with a typical Friday
U.S. financial markets are open for a full day of trading on Thursday,
December 31st. No daily pages or files will be generated any earlier than
usual. Weekly files again will be posted on Thursday night after the
daily files.
If you have any questions or are in need of further information please
call our support line at 1-800-3AP-STOX.
Monday, December 14, 12:51 PM CST
Monday, December 14, 12:49 PM CST
Friday, December 11th, 6:05 pm ET
Please be advised that mutual funds are running 20-25 minutes late this
evening. At 6:05 pm ET there were approximately 1,280 mutual funds
without updated NAVs, necessitating the use of a later snapshot. As a
result, mutual fund tables and pages with fund listings will be posted
20-25 minutes later than usual.
If you need additional information, please contact 1-800-3AP-STOX.
Monday, December 07, 06:59 PM CST
Please be advised we have corrected a typo in the Centerpiece graphic
--the story about Chipotle. Money & Markets pages containing that graphic
are currently being reposted. The updated graphic has been placed in the
common folder on the web site.
Updated files will be reposted on the web site by 8:30 p.m. ET
If you have any questions or are in need of further information please
call our support line at 1-800-3AP-STOX.
Monday, December 07, 06:58 PM CST
Monday, November 30th, 6:05 pm ET
Please be advised that mutual funds are running 20-25 minutes late this
evening. At 6:05 pm ET there were approximately 1,700 mutual funds
without updated NAVs, necessitating the use of a later snapshot. As a
result, mutual fund tables and pages with fund listings will be posted
20-25 minutes later than usual.
If you need additional information, please contact 1-800-3AP-STOX.
Holiday Advisory:
U.S. stock exchanges close early (1:00 pm ET) on Friday, November
29th. However, futures trading does not end early on this day, and mutual
funds do not report any earlier than usual. Indexes, which include
foreign markets, do not report any earlier than normal on Friday either.
All pages and files will be posted or transmitted at their usual time.
If you have any questions or are in need of further information please
call our support line at 1-800-3AP-STOX.
Monday, November 02, 06:10 PM EST
Please be advised that mutual funds are running 20-25 minutes late this
evening. At 6:05 pm ET approximately 1,350 mutual funds had not reported,
necessitating the use of a later snapshot. As a result, mutual fund
tables and pages with fund listings will be posted 20-25 minutes later
than usual.
If you need additional information, please contact 1-800-3AP-STOX.
Monday, November 02, 06:04 PM CST
Please be advised that mutual funds are running 20-25 minutes late this
evening. At 6:05 pm ET approximately 1,350 mutual funds had not reported,
necessitating the use of a later snapshot. As a result, mutual fund
tables and pages with fund listings will be posted 20-25 minutes later
than usual.
If you need additional information, please contact 1-800-3AP-STOX.
Monday, November 02, 06:04 PM CST
Monday, November 2nd, 6:05 pm ET
Friday, October 30th, 6:05 pm ET
Please be advised that mutual funds are running 20-25 minutes late this
evening. At 6:05 pm ET there were approximately 1,480 mutual funds
without updated NAVs, necessitating the use of a later snapshot. As a
result, mutual fund tables and pages with fund listings will be posted
20-25 minutes later than usual.
If you need additional information, please contact 1-800-3AP-STOX.
Friday, October 23rd, 7:30 pm ET
UPDATE- Please be advised that we are still running late due to technical
issues with the money rates item. We expect to begin posting pages
by 7:30-7:45 pm ET.
If you have any questions or need additional information please
call 1-800-3AP-STOX.
Friday, October 23rd, 6:05 pm ET
Please be advised that indexes are delayed this evening, which will delay
the posting of stock pages. We hope to begin posting within the next half
If you need additional information, please contact 1-800-3AP-STOX.
Friday, October 23, 07:37 PM CDT
Please be advised that we still running late due to technical issues with the money rates item. We hope to begin posting pages by 7:30-7:45 pm ET.
Tuesday, October 20, 03:47 PM CDT This is a test
Wednesday, October 14, 06:19 PM CDT
Please be advised that mutual funds are running 20-25 minutes late this
evening. As a result, mutual fund tables and pages with fund listings
will be posted 20-25 minutes later than usual.
If you need additional information, please contact 1-800-3AP-STOX.
Monday, October 12, 12:14 PM CDT
Canada Thanksgiving Holiday:
Please be advised that Toronto stock tables will not be available
today, October 12th, due to the Canadian holiday.
Monday, October 12, 12:14 PM CDT
Canada Thanksgiving Holiday:
Thursday, October 08, 06:18 PM CDT
Please be advised that mutual funds are running 20-25 minutes late this
evening. As a result, mutual fund tables and pages with fund listings
will be posted 20-25 minutes later than usual.
If you need additional information, please contact 1-800-3AP-STOX.
Monday, October 05, 06:02 PM CDT
Please be advised that mutual funds are running 20-25 minutes late this
evening. At 6:05 pm ET approximately 1,400 mutual funds had not reported,
necessitating the use of a later snapshot. As a result, mutual fund
tables and pages with fund listings will be posted 20-25 minutes later
than usual.
If you need additional information, please contact 1-800-3AP-STOX.
Friday, October 02, 06:02 PM CDT
Please be advised that mutual funds are running 20-25 minutes late this
evening. At 6:05 pm ET approximately 1,550 mutual funds had not reported,
necessitating the use of a later snapshot. As a result, mutual fund
tables and pages with fund listings will be posted 20-25 minutes later
than usual.
If you need additional information, please contact 1-800-3AP-STOX.
Thursday, October 01, 06:01 PM CDT
Please be advised that mutual funds are running 20-25 minutes late this
evening. At 6:05 pm ET approximately 1,500 mutual funds had not reported,
necessitating the use of a later snapshot. As a result, mutual fund
tables and pages with fund listings will be posted 20-25 minutes later
than usual.
If you need additional information, please contact 1-800-3AP-STOX.
Wednesday, September 30, 06:10 PM CDT
Please be advised that mutual funds are running 20-25 minutes late this
evening. At 6:05 pm ET approximately 1,500 mutual funds had not reported,
necessitating the use of a later snapshot. As a result, mutual fund
tables and pages with fund listings will be posted 20-25 minutes later
than usual.
If you need additional information, please contact 1-800-3AP-STOX.
Wednesday, September 30, 06:01 PM CDT
Friday, September 25, 06:06 PM CDT
Please be advised that mutual funds are running 20-25 minutes late this
evening. At 6:05 pm ET approximately 1,400 mutual funds had not reported,
necessitating the use of a later snapshot. As a result, mutual fund
tables and pages with fund listings will be posted 20-25 minutes later
than usual.
If you need additional information, please contact 1-800-3AP-STOX.
Tuesday, September 22, 06:11 PM CDT
Please be advised that mutual funds are running 20-25 minutes late this
evening. At 6:05 pm ET approximately 1,400 mutual funds had not reported,
necessitating the use of a later snapshot. As a result, mutual fund
tables and pages with fund listings will be posted 20-25 minutes later
than usual.
If you need additional information, please contact 1-800-3AP-STOX.
Tuesday, September 22, 06:03 PM CDT
Tuesday, September 22nd, 6:05 pm ET
Please be advised that mutual funds are running 20-25 minutes late this
evening. At 6:05 pm ET approximately 1,400 mutual funds had not reported,
necessitating the use of a later snapshot. As a result, mutual fund
tables and pages with fund listings will be posted 20-25 minutes later
than usual.
If you need additional information, please contact 1-800-3AP-STOX.
Tuesday, September 22, 06:02 PM CDT
Tuesday, September 22, 06:02 PM CDT
Please be advised that U.S. financial markets will be closed on
Monday, September 7, in observance of the Labor Day Holiday.
The Toronto Stock Market will also be closed on Monday, September 7,
in observance of the Labour Day Holiday.
Foreign Currency files will generate on Monday, September 7.
No other new files will be generated on Monday, September 7.
Money & Markets files from Friday, September 4, which is a regular
trading day, will be available.
Normal production will resume on Tuesday September 8.
If you have any questions or are in need of further information please
call our support line at 1-800-3AP-STOX.
Tuesday, September 1st, 6:05 pm ET
Please be advised that mutual funds are running 20-25 minutes late this
evening. At 6:05 pm ET there were approximately 1,358 mutual funds
without updated NAVs, necessitating the use of a later snapshot. As a
result, mutual fund tables and pages with fund listings will be posted
20-25 minutes later than usual.
If you need additional information, please contact 1-800-3AP-STOX.
Monday, August 31st, 6:05 pm ET
Please be advised that mutual funds are running 20-25 minutes late this
evening. At 6:05 pm ET there were approximately 1,299 mutual funds
without updated NAVs, necessitating the use of a later snapshot. As a
result, mutual fund tables and pages with fund listings will be posted
20-25 minutes later than usual.
If you need additional information, please contact 1-800-3AP-STOX.
Friday, August 21, 06:18 PM CDT
Please be advised that we are experiencing technical difficulties with
our data system and some tables and pages are delayed by 20-25 minutes.
Will advise further when we have more info.
If you need additional information, please contact 1-800-3AP-STOX.
Thursday, August 20, 06:12 PM CDT
Please be advised that mutual funds are running 20-25 minutes late this
evening. At 6:15 pm ET there were approximately 1,125 mutual funds
without updated NAVs, necessitating the use of a later snapshot. As a
result, mutual fund tables and pages with fund listings will be posted
20-25 minutes later than usual.
If you need additional information, please contact 1-800-3AP-STOX.
Thursday, August 20, 06:11 PM CDT
Monday, August 3rd, 6:05 pm ET
Please be advised that mutual funds are running 20-25 minutes late this
evening. As a result, mutual fund tables and pages with fund listings
will be posted 20-25 minutes later than usual.
The Toronto Stock Exchange is closed today in observance of Civic Holiday.
If you need additional information, please contact 1-800-3AP-STOX.
Monday, August 3rd, 6:05 pm ET
Please be advised that mutual funds are running 20-25 minutes late
this evening. As a result, mutual fund tables and pages with fund
listings will be posted 20-25 minutes later than usual.
Toronto stocks will be unavailable due to a national holiday.
If you need additional information, please contact
Friday, July 31st, 6:15 pm ET
Please be advised that mutual funds are running 20-25 minutes late this
evening. At 6:05 pm ET there were approximately 1,200 mutual funds
without updated NAVs, necessitating the use of a later snapshot. As a
result, mutual fund tables and pages with fund listings will be posted
20-25 minutes later than usual.
If you need additional information, please contact 1-800-3AP-STOX.
Friday, July 31, 06:17 PM CDT
Friday, July 31st, 6:15 pm ET
Friday, July 31, 06:18 PM CDT
Friday, July 31, 06:17 PM CDT
Friday, July 31st, 6:15 pm ET
Thursday, July 23rd, 6:05 pm ET
We're in the process of making a late correction to the closing figure
for the Dow Jones Industrial Average and running 10-20 minutes behind
schedule in production.
If you need additional information, please contact 1-800-3AP-STOX.
Monday, July 13th, 6:05 pm ET
Please be advised that mutual funds are running 20-25 minutes late this
evening. At 6:05 pm ET there were approximately 1,350 mutual funds
without updated NAVs, necessitating the use of a later snapshot. As a
result, mutual fund tables and pages with fund listings will be posted
20-25 minutes later than usual.
If you need additional information, please contact 1-800-3AP-STOX.
Thursday, July 9h, 6:05 pm ET
Please be advised that mutual funds are running 20-25 minutes late this
evening. At 6:05 pm ET there were approximately 1,220 mutual funds
without updated NAVs, necessitating the use of a later snapshot. As a
result, mutual fund tables and pages with fund listings will be posted
20-25 minutes later than usual.
If you need additional information, please contact 1-800-3AP-STOX.
Monday, July 6th, 6:05 pm ET
Please be advised that mutual funds are running 20-25 minutes late
this evening. At 6:05 pm ET there were approximately 1,280 mutual
funds without updated NAVs, necessitating the use of a later
snapshot. As a result, mutual fund tables and pages with fund
listings will be posted 20-25 minutes later than usual.
If you need additional information, please contact
Thursday, July 02, 05:35 PM CDT
Fourth of July Holiday Schedule:
US Financial Markets will be operating on a normal, full-day schedule
on Thursday, July 2nd. Markets will be closed on Friday, July 3rd in
observance of the Independence Day holiday.
Please note that on Thursday, July 2nd, both daily and weekly files
will generate.
Toronto stock files and foreign currency files will generate on
Friday, July 3rd. No other new files will be generated. Money & Markets
files from Thursday, July 2nd will be available.
Normal production will resume on Monday, July 6th.
If you have any questions or need additional information, please call
our support line at 1-800-3AP-STOX.
Wednesday July 1st, 6:05 pm ET
Please be advised that mutual funds are running 20-25 minutes late this
evening. At 6:05 pm ET there were approximately 2,618 mutual funds
without updated NAVs, necessitating the use of a later snapshot. As a
result, mutual fund tables and pages with fund listings will be posted
20-25 minutes later than usual.
If you need additional information, please contact 1-800-3AP-STOX.
Wednesday, July 01, 01:28 PM CDT
Please be advised that Toronto stock tables will not be available
today, July 1st, due to the Canada Day holiday.
Fourth of July Holiday Schedule:
US Financial Markets will be operating on a normal, full-day schedule
on Thursday, July 2nd. Markets will be closed on Friday, July 3rd in
observance of the Independence Day holiday.
Please note that on Thursday, July 2nd, both daily and weekly files
will generate.
Toronto stock files and foreign currency files will generate on
Friday, July 3rd. No other new files will be generated. Money & Markets
files from Thursday, July 2nd will be available.
Normal production will resume on Monday, July 6th.
If you have any questions or need additional information, please call
our support line at 1-800-3AP-STOX.
Tuesday June 30th, 6:05 pm ET
Please be advised that mutual funds are running 20-25 minutes late this
evening. At 6:05 pm ET there were approximately 1,395 mutual funds
without updated NAVs, necessitating the use of a later snapshot. As a
result, mutual fund tables and pages with fund listings will be posted
20-25 minutes later than usual.
If you need additional information, please contact 1-800-3AP-STOX.
Monday, June 29h, 6:05 pm ET
Please be advised that mutual funds are running 20-25 minutes late this
evening. At 6:05 pm ET there were approximately 1,560 mutual funds
without updated NAVs, necessitating the use of a later snapshot. As a
result, mutual fund tables and pages with fund listings will be posted
20-25 minutes later than usual.
If you need additional information, please contact 1-800-3AP-STOX.
Friday June 26th, 6:05 pm ET
Please be advised that mutual funds are running 20-25 minutes late this
evening. At 6:05 pm ET there were approximately 1,320 mutual funds
without updated NAVs, necessitating the use of a later snapshot. As a
result, mutual fund tables and pages with fund listings will be posted
20-25 minutes later than usual.
If you need additional information, please contact 1-800-3AP-STOX.
Wednesday June 24th, 6:05 pm ET
Please be advised that mutual funds are running 20-25 minutes late this
evening. At 6:05 pm ET there were approximately 1,595 mutual funds
without updated NAVs, necessitating the use of a later snapshot. As a
result, mutual fund tables and pages with fund listings will be posted
20-25 minutes later than usual.
If you need additional information, please contact 1-800-3AP-STOX.
Friday, June 5th, 6:05 pm ET
Please be advised that mutual funds are running 20-25 minutes late this
evening. At 6:05 pm ET there were approximately 1,200 mutual funds
without updated NAVs, necessitating the use of a later snapshot. As a
result, mutual fund tables and pages with fund listings will be posted
20-25 minutes later than usual.
If you need additional information, please contact 1-800-3AP-STOX.
Monday, June 1st, 6:05 pm ET
Please be advised that mutual funds are running 20-25 minutes late this
evening. At 6:05 pm ET there were approximately 1,320 mutual funds
without updated NAVs, necessitating the use of a later snapshot. As a
result, mutual fund tables and pages with fund listings will be posted
20-25 minutes later than usual.
If you need additional information, please contact 1-800-3AP-STOX.
Memorial Day Holiday:
Please be advised that U.S. financial markets will be closed on
Monday, May 25, in observance of the Memorial Day Holiday.
The Toronto Stock Market will be open on Monday, May 25.
Foreign Currency and Toronto Stock files will generate on Monday, May
No other new files will be generated on Monday, May 25.
Money & Markets files from Friday, May 22, which is a regular trading
day, will be available.
Normal production will resume on Tuesday May 26.
If you have any questions or are in need of further information please
call our support line at 1-800-3AP-STOX.
Please be advised that U.S. financial markets will be closed on
Monday, May 25, in observance of the Memorial Day Holiday.
The Toronto Stock Market will be open on Monday, May 25.
Foreign Currency and Toronto Stock files will generate on Monday, May
No other new files will be generated on Monday, May 25.
Money & Markets files from Friday, May 22, which is a regular trading
day, will be available.
Normal production will resume on Tuesday May 26.
If you have any questions or are in need of further information please
call our support line at 1-800-3AP-STOX.
Memorial Day Holiday Advisory
Please be advised that U.S. financial markets will be closed on
Monday, May 25, in observance of the Memorial Day Holiday.
The Toronto Stock Market will be open on Monday, May 25.
Foreign Currency and Toronto Stock files will generate on Monday, May 25.
No other new files will be generated on Monday, May 25.
Money & Markets files from Friday, May 22, which is a regular trading
day, will be available.
Normal production will resume on Tuesday May 26.
If you have any questions or are in need of further information please
call our support line at 1-800-3AP-STOX.
Please be advised that U.S. financial markets will be closed on Monday,
May 25, in observance of the Memorial Day Holiday.
The Toronto Stock Market will be open on Monday, May 25.
Foreign Currency and Toronto Stock files will generate on Monday, May
No other new files will be generated on Monday, May 25.
Money & Markets files from Friday, May 22, which is a regular trading
day, will be available.
Normal production will resume on Tuesday May 26.
If you have any questions or are in need of further information please
call our support line at 1-800-3AP-STOX.
Thursday, May 21, 12:31 PM CDT
Monday, May 18, 06:29 PM CDT
Please be advised that the Toronto Stock Exchange is closed for Victoria
If you need additional information, please contact 1-800-3AP-STOX.
Monday, May 11, 06:47 PM CDT
Please be advised that mutual funds are running 30-35 minutes late
this evening due to a vendor issue. As a result, fund tables and pages
with fund listings will be posted 30-35 minutes later than usual.
We regret any inconvenience this may cause.
If you have any questions or need additional information please call
Monday, April 30th, 6:05 pm ET
Please be advised that mutual funds are running 20-25 minutes late this
evening. At 6:05 pm ET there were approximately 1,320 mutual funds
without updated NAVs, necessitating the use of a later snapshot. As a
result, mutual fund tables and pages with fund listings will be posted
20-25 minutes later than usual.
If you need additional information, please contact 1-800-3AP-STOX.
Monday, April 6th, 6:05 pm ET
Please be advised that mutual funds are running 20-25 minutes late this
evening. At 6:05 pm ET there were approximately 1,300 mutual funds
without updated NAVs, necessitating the use of a later snapshot. As a
result, mutual fund tables and pages with fund listings will be posted
20-25 minutes later than usual.
If you need additional information, please contact 1-800-3AP-STOX.
Thursday, April 02, 10:50 AM CST
Please be advised that U.S. financial markets and the Toronto Stock
Market will be closed on Friday, April 3, in observance of the Good
Friday holiday.
Additionally, Government bonds files will not be available due to the
Weekly files which normally generate on Friday night will be generated
on Thursday, April 2nd this week.
Foreign exchange files will generate on Friday, April 3. No other new
files will be generated on Friday, April 3.
Money & Markets files from Thursday, April 2nd, which is a regular
trading day, will be available.
Normal production will resume on Monday April 6.
If you have any questions, please contact 1-800-3AP-STOX.
Wednesday, April 1st, 6:05 pm ET
Please be advised that mutual funds are running 20-25 minutes late this
evening. At 6:05 pm ET there were approximately 1,400 mutual funds
without updated NAVs, necessitating the use of a later snapshot. As a
result, mutual fund tables and pages with fund listings will be posted
20-25 minutes later than usual.
If you need additional information, please contact 1-800-3AP-STOX.
Tuesday, March 31st, 6:05 pm ET
Please be advised that mutual funds are running 20-25 minutes late this
evening. At 6:05 pm ET there were approximately 1,340 mutual funds
without updated NAVs, necessitating the use of a later snapshot. As a
result, mutual fund tables and pages with fund listings will be posted
20-25 minutes later than usual. (This is a fairly common occurrence on
the last day of the quarter.)
If you need additional information, please contact 1-800-3AP-STOX.
Friday, March 13th, 7:50 pm ET
Weekly mutual fund files are running late this evening by approximately
45 minutes. Weekly fund tables and weekly pages with funds will be posted
45-50 minutes later than usual.
If you need additional information, please contact 1-800-3AP-STOX.
Monday, March 2nd, 6:05 pm ET
Mutual fund files are running late this evening by 20-25 minutes. At
6:05 pm ET there were approximately 2,000 funds without updated NAVs,
necessitating the use of a later snapshot. Fund tables and pages with
funds will be posted 20-25 minutes later than usual.
If you need additional information, please contact 1-800-3AP-STOX.
U.S. MARKETS CLOSED MONDAY: Please be advised that U.S. financial markets
will be closed on Monday,
February 16, in observance of the President's Day Holiday. The Toronto
Stock Market will also be closed on Monday, February 16, in observance of
the Family Day Holiday.
Foreign Currency files will generate on Monday, February 16. However, no
other new files will be generated on Monday, February 16. Money & Markets
files from Friday, February 13, which is a regular
trading day, will be available. Normal production will resume on Tuesday
February 17.
If you have any questions or are in need of further information please
call our support line at 1-800-3AP-STOX.
Monday, February 2nd, 6:05 pm ET
Mutual fund files are running late this evening by 20-25 minutes. At
6:05 pm ET there were approximately 1,400 funds without updated NAVs,
necessitating the use of a later snapshot. Fund tables and pages with
funds will be posted 20-25 minutes later than usual.
If you need additional information, please contact 1-800-3AP-STOX.
Friday, January 30th, 6:05 pm ET
Mutual fund files are running late this evening by 20-25 minutes. At
6:05 pm ET there were approximately 1,700 funds without updated NAVs,
necessitating the use of a later snapshot. Fund tables and pages with
funds will be posted 20-25 minutes later than usual.
If you need additional information, please contact 1-800-3AP-STOX.
Please be advised that U.S. financial markets will be closed on
Monday, January 19 in observance of the Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday.
Toronto Stock files and Foreign Currency files will generate on
Monday, January 19.
No other new files will be generated on Monday, January 19.
Money & Markets files from Friday, January 16, which is a regular
trading day, will be available.
Normal production will resume on Tuesday January 20.
If you have any questions or are in need of further information please
call our support line at 1-800-3AP-STOX.
Friday, January 16TH, 6:05 pm ET
Due to an issue with Morningstar we are running late this evening in
delivering fund tables and pages with fund data. We plan to use an
alternate data source if Morningstar cannot provide us with their data,
and hope to begin posting daily files by 7:00 pm ET.
If you need additional information, please contact 1-800-3AP-STOX.
Wednesday, January 14, 05:09 PM CST
Please be advised that U.S. financial markets will be closed on
Monday, January 19 in observance of the Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday.
Toronto Stock files and Foreign Currency files will generate on
Monday, January 19.
No other new files will be generated on Monday, January 19.
Money & Markets files from Friday, January 16, which is a regular
trading day, will be available.
Normal production will resume on Tuesday January 20.
If you have any questions or are in need of further information please
call our support line at 1-800-3AP-STOX.
Friday, January 16, 06:31 PM CST
Friday, January 2nd, 6:05 pm ET
Mutual funds are delayed this evening by approximately 20-30 minutes. At
6:05 pm there were over 1,900 funds without updated NAVS, necessitating
the use of a later snapshot. Money & Markets files with fund data will be
posted 20-30 minutes later than usual.
If you need additional information, please contact 1-800-3AP-STOX.
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