**UPDATE** Please note that the changes described below will NOT be implemented until February 14, 2...Show fullCollapse

**UPDATE** Please note that the changes described below will NOT be implemented until February 14, 2025. Please contact Barry Bedlan at with any questions regarding this.

Business Editors, Business Section Paginators:

AP's Money & Markets will move to a new system aimed at sustaining the most popular modules used by customers. This change will happen in January. AP's focus will remain on delivering markets data and information of highest interest to your readers, including l Local Stocks and Mutual Funds, Daily Stocks Recaps, Interest Rates, Foreign Exchange rates and Commodities.

The new system will feature a self-service option that will allow for easy real-time customization of your local stocks lists, allowing for more flexibility around any changes that need to be made throughout the year.

Modules also will no longer be linked together but instead will be delivered as individual graphics for your use and mix as your news hole allows for each day. This is to give customers greater flexibility in how they use the product.

Some modules,including Centerpiece, Industry/Company Spotlight, Story Stocks, Week Ahead and Today, will no longer be available after Jan. 3.

These product changes are being made to enhance and modernize the product and are based on customer feedback and usage data. The modules that will remain available are the most popular so you will still be able to keep delivering the dara points that your readrs look for today under the new system.

More details to come, but if you have any immediate questions please contact Barry Bedlan at

AP Markets Software for Windows

Quark XTensions

QuarkXPress 6.5

Help: Quarterly & Year-end Reviews

Each quarter, the AP produces its popular one-page Stock Market Review and Mutual Fund Review - essential guides to how the financial markets performed over the past three months. Each presentation is fully paginated, easy to download and ready to print.

Quarterly Stock Market & Mutual Fund Review Frequently Asked Questions:

Our paper publishes daily stocks. Why use the quarterlies?

As the economy gyrates, often wildly, your readers need answers to critical, questions that affect their long-term goals with a perspective not easily available by reading daily markets reports. They want to know: How will the market impact my retirement? How can I afford to send my kids to college? How will the market affect my financial well being?

Four times a year, The Associated Press produces its Quarterly Stock Market and Mutual Fund Reviews. These three-quarter page presentations help your readers answer these crucial questions, tailor their investments and plan a more enriching future.

Designed with eye-catching graphics in an attractive layout ¬ the AP's Quarterly Stock Market and Mutual Fund Reviews allow your readers quickly to gauge the market in personal terms, relating it to their future, their retirement, their investments. They are three quarters of a page deep to allow for ad space or editorial copy.

What is in the Reviews?

The stock Market Review highlights the market's performance during the past quarter and includes a list of your local stocks, a Centerpiece module with a quarterly wrap-up story reviewing key trends, major indexes, industry performance, and best and worst stocks of the quarter based on market capital.

The Quarterly Fund Review outlines the nation's best and worst performing funds by objective category, the 20 biggest funds by asset rank, a Centerpiece module with a quarterly wrap-up story, and a Fund Focus on a specific fund based on quarterly performance.

What format will the pages be in?

The Reviews are paginated and ready to print as Quark XPress v6 documents, Adobe InDesign CS2 documents, or as PDFs.

Can the Reviews be tailored to fit the width and depth of my page?

We can accomodate narrow web widths; you will need to supply your image area requirements to us. The Fund Review is set at three quarters of a page deep. The Stock Review is the same size but can be made deeper with additional local stocks.

Can I customize the Reviews with special fonts, layouts or an expanded stock list?

We can change the depth of the Stock Review pending depth requirements on your end. We can also use your own font(s) in the agate listings. The graphics utilize standard AP fonts (Helvetica for body copy, Franklin Gothic Demi for headers) and would have to be changed on your end.

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