**UPDATE** Please note that the changes described below will NOT be implemented until February 14, 2...Show fullCollapse

**UPDATE** Please note that the changes described below will NOT be implemented until February 14, 2025. Please contact Barry Bedlan at with any questions regarding this.

Business Editors, Business Section Paginators:

AP's Money & Markets will move to a new system aimed at sustaining the most popular modules used by customers. This change will happen in January. AP's focus will remain on delivering markets data and information of highest interest to your readers, including l Local Stocks and Mutual Funds, Daily Stocks Recaps, Interest Rates, Foreign Exchange rates and Commodities.

The new system will feature a self-service option that will allow for easy real-time customization of your local stocks lists, allowing for more flexibility around any changes that need to be made throughout the year.

Modules also will no longer be linked together but instead will be delivered as individual graphics for your use and mix as your news hole allows for each day. This is to give customers greater flexibility in how they use the product.

Some modules,including Centerpiece, Industry/Company Spotlight, Story Stocks, Week Ahead and Today, will no longer be available after Jan. 3.

These product changes are being made to enhance and modernize the product and are based on customer feedback and usage data. The modules that will remain available are the most popular so you will still be able to keep delivering the dara points that your readrs look for today under the new system.

More details to come, but if you have any immediate questions please contact Barry Bedlan at

AP Markets Software for Windows

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Help: Footnotes

Stock footnotes

bt - primary exchange listing BATS

cld - issue has been called for redemption by company

d - new intraday 52-week low

g - dividends paid in Canadian funds, PE not shown

h -Does not meet continued-listing standards

lf - late filing with SEC

n - stock was a new issue in the last year - the 52-week high and low figures are calculated from their start date

pf - preferred stock issue

pr - preferences

rs - stock has undergone a reverse stock split, decreasing outstanding shares by at least 50 percent within the past year

rt - right to buy security at a specified price

s - historical prices have been adjusted for a split or distribution of 20 percent or more in the last 12 months.

wi - trades will be settled when the stock is issued

wd - when distributed

wt - warrant, allowing a purchase of a stock

u - new intraday 52-week high

un - unit, including more than one security

v - Trading halted on primary market

vj - company in bankruptcy, receivership or being reorganized under the bankruptcy law - this appears in front of the name

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Dividend footnotes

a - extra dividends were paid, but are not included

b - annual rate plus stock

c - liquidating dividend

e - amount declared or paid in last 12 months

f - current annual rate, which was increased by most recent dividend announcement

i - sum of dividends paid after stock split, no regular rate

k - declared or paid this year - a cumulative issue with dividends in arrears

m - current annual rate, which was decreased by most recent dividend announcement

p - initial dividend, annual rate not known, yield not shown

r - declared or paid in preceding 12 months plus stock dividend

t - paid in stock, approximate cash value on ex-distribution date

Money Market footnotes

a - yield may include capital gains or losses

b - fixed charges may vary, yield based on account size

c - primarily federally tax exempt securities

f - as of previous day

p - fund assets are used to pay distribution costs

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PE footnotes

q - stock is a closed-end fund - no P/E ratio shown

cc - P/E exceeds 99

dd - loss in last 12 months

Volume footnotes

x - ex-dividend - yesterday was the first day that the stock traded without the right to receive a dividend and the price change is adjusted to reflect that fact

y - ex-dividend and sales in total shares

z - sales are in total shares

Lipper Mutual footnotes

e - Ex capital gains distribution.

f - Previous day's quotation.

n - No front end load or contingent deferred sales load may apply.

p - Fund assets are used to pay fo r distribution costs- 12(b)(1) plan.

r - Redemption fee or contingent deferred sales load may apply.

s - Stock dividend or split.

t - Both p and r.

x - Ex cash dividen d.

For performance returns:

NA - not available.

NE - omitted because of inconsistent data.

NN - Fund does not wish to be tracked.

NS ;- Fund did not exist at start of period.

For total assets:

pm - previous month's total.

For expense ratio:

i - information not comparable to other funds because of expense structure.

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Morningstar Mutual footnotes

b - Fee covering market costs is paid from fund assets.

d - Deferred sales charge, or redemption fee.

f - front load (sales charges).

m - Multiple fees are charged, usually a marketing fee and either a sales or redemption fee.

NA - not available.

p - previous day´s net asset value.

s - fund split shares during the week.

x - fund paid a distribution during the week.

Bond footnotes

cv - Convertible.

ct - Certificates.

dc - Deep discount.

ec - European currency units.

f - Dealt in flat.

m - Matured bond negotiability impaired by maturity.

na - No accrual.

pr - Exchangeable into debentures.

r - Registered.

rp - Reduced principal amount.

st - Stamped.

t - Floating rate.

wd - When distributed.

ww - with warrants.

x - Ex interests.

xw - Without warrants.

zr - Zero coupon.

kd - Danish Krone.

il - Italian lira.

vj - In bankruptcy or receivership or being reorganized under the Bankruptcy Act or securities assumed by such companies.

Government Bond footnotes

Treasury Bonds / Notes:

none - treasury Bond issued before non-resident alien tax law

f - Inflation-linked.

k - Treasury bond and non-resident aliens are exempt from federal withholding tax

p - Treasury note and non-resident aliens are exempt from federal withholding tax

Treasury Strips:

a - US Treasury Security stripped interest (zero coupon)

b - US Treasury Bond stripped principal

c - US Treasury Note stripped

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