**UPDATE** Please note that the changes described below will NOT be implemented until February 14, 2...Show fullCollapse

**UPDATE** Please note that the changes described below will NOT be implemented until February 14, 2025. Please contact Barry Bedlan at with any questions regarding this.

Business Editors, Business Section Paginators:

AP's Money & Markets will move to a new system aimed at sustaining the most popular modules used by customers. This change will happen in January. AP's focus will remain on delivering markets data and information of highest interest to your readers, including l Local Stocks and Mutual Funds, Daily Stocks Recaps, Interest Rates, Foreign Exchange rates and Commodities.

The new system will feature a self-service option that will allow for easy real-time customization of your local stocks lists, allowing for more flexibility around any changes that need to be made throughout the year.

Modules also will no longer be linked together but instead will be delivered as individual graphics for your use and mix as your news hole allows for each day. This is to give customers greater flexibility in how they use the product.

Some modules,including Centerpiece, Industry/Company Spotlight, Story Stocks, Week Ahead and Today, will no longer be available after Jan. 3.

These product changes are being made to enhance and modernize the product and are based on customer feedback and usage data. The modules that will remain available are the most popular so you will still be able to keep delivering the dara points that your readrs look for today under the new system.

More details to come, but if you have any immediate questions please contact Barry Bedlan at

Financial news and data solutions for local broadcast

Money & Markets Online provides AP member radio stations with a host of tools, widgets and financial data to build complete and customized web pages. Stations can deploy individual market widgets or create entire pages of content. Combines business news and analysis with Morningstar data and tools, packaged into more than 20 different modules.

Provides local coverage - spotlighting companies, industries and funds that matter to your audience.

Content integrates seamlessly into your site's look and feel using a hosted website tool, cutting down on technical resources needed for maintenance. Prebuilt pages are also available providing a full page of content with just one link. The pages you build will retain all your station's branding, navigation and advertising.

Offers a highly appealing environment for advertisers and the station retains all the ad revenue.

Radio Business Page - Sample 1
Radio Business Page - Sample 2
Radio Business Page - Sample 3
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